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<h2 class="red no-underline" data-split-here="Auroch">Auroch</h2><p>@Compendium[swpf-bestiary.swpf-bestiary.Auroch]{Link to Actor}</p>
This large, horned bull has a dirty black hide and an aggressive temper. Its
horns are wide and sharp, and they usually travel in herds. Various breeds
inhabit the wilds of Golarion, from the Nesmian Plains of Nirmathas to the
Storval Plateau in Varisia.
<p><strong>Type:</strong> Neutral Animal (Auroch)</p>
<strong>Attributes:</strong> Agility d6, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d8, Strength
d12+1, Vigor d8
<p><strong>Skills:</strong> Athletics d8, Fighting d6, Notice d6</p>
<strong>Pace:</strong> 7; <strong>Parry:</strong> 5;
<strong>Toughness:</strong> 9
<p><strong>Edges:</strong> —</p>
<p><strong>Special Abilities:</strong></p>
<li><strong>Horns:</strong> Str+d6.</li>
<li><strong>Size 3:</strong> Aurochs weigh just under a ton.</li>
<strong>Stampede:</strong> Anyone caught in a stampede must Evade as an
action on their turn or take 2d6 damage. Add a bonus d6 if the victim
Critically Fails to Evade. This may last for multiple rounds with a large
<p>这种长角的大型牛只长着肮脏的黑色皮毛,脾气好斗,双角宽大锋利,其通常成群迁徙。从涅玛萨斯(Nirmathas)的奈斯弥安平原(Nesmian plains)到瓦瑞西亚(Varisia)的斯托瓦尔高原(Storval Plateau),种类多样的原牛在格拉里昂各处的荒野上繁育生息。</p>
<li> <strong>夺命狂奔</strong>:任何陷入夺命狂奔中的对象必须在其回合内使用一个行动进行回避,否则就会受到2d6伤害,若是回避出现大失败则还要再加1d6奖励伤害。如果是整个大群则夺命狂奔可能会持续多轮。