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<p>At the heart of all things is energy. Though it may change its form or resting place, it is eternal, fundamental, the purest of building blocks. Your powers let you shift energy-either concentrating it in a single point to explosive end or freezing objects by plundering it away-in an endless oscillation of temperature.</p>
<hr /> <p><strong>Granted Spells</strong></p> <ul> <li>1st: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.y6rAdMK6EFlV6U0t]{Breathe Fire}</li> <li>2nd: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.v4KzRPol5XQOOmk0]{Heat Metal}</li> <li>3rd: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.sxQZ6yqTn0czJxVd]{Fireball}</li> <li>4th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.YrzBLPLd3r9m6t1p]{Fire Shield}</li> <li>5th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.3puDanGfpEt6jK5k]{Cone of Cold}</li> <li>6th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.Gn5deIoobHpd3SiR]{Flame Vortex}</li> <li>7th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.XS7Wyh5YC0NWeWyB]{Fiery Body}</li> <li>8th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.BKIet436snMNcnez]{Polar Ray}</li> <li>9th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.jrBa9deU2ULFWvSl]{Falling Stars}</li> </ul> <p><strong>Standard Psi Cantrips</strong></p> <p>@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.6DfLZBl8wKIV03Iq]{Ignition}</p> <p>You can drastically increase the heat against targets at a distance. When using <em>ignition</em> as a ranged attack, increase the range to 60 feet. When using ignition as a melee attack, your reach increases by 5 feet. Your <em>ignition</em> also gains the following amp.</p> <p><strong>Amp</strong> You project pure heat that causes a target to combust. The initial damage changes to 1d10 fire damage plus 1 fire splash damage. When using amped ignition as a melee attack, increase the damage dice of the initial damage from d10s to d12s. You are not harmed by splash damage from amped <em>ignition</em>.</p> <p><strong>Amp Heightened (+1)</strong> Instead of using <em>ignition's</em> normal heightened entry, the initial damage increases by 1d10 (1d12 for melee) and the splash damage increases by 1. The persistent fire damage on a critical hit increases by 1d4.</p> <p>@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.IxhGEKl63R4QBvkj]{Frostbite}</p> <p>You can freeze people from even farther away. The range of your <em>frostbite</em> increases to 120 feet. Your <em>frostbite</em> also gains the following amp.</p> <p><strong>Amp</strong> You drain thermal energy at a distance, using what you plunder to replenish yourself. The orb deals 3d4 cold damage. You gain temporary Hit Points equal to half the damage the target takes (after applying resistances and the like). You lose any remaining temporary Hit Points after 1 minute.</p> <p><strong>Amp Heightened (+1)</strong> The initial damage increases by 2d4 instead of 1d4. The weakness on a critical failure increases by 1.</p> <p><strong>Unique Psi Cantrips</strong></p> <p>surface: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.dhpXpzt7TCm8TbHM]{Thermal Stasis}</p> <p><strong>Amp</strong> The spell's duration becomes 1 minute.</p> <p>deeper: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.X4T5RlQBrdpmA35n]{Entropic Wheel}</p> <p><strong>Amp</strong> You gain two motes instead of one when you Cast the Spell and each time the wheel gains another mote.</p> <p>deepest: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.bZMwSGc9t5K7uxZV]{Redistribute Potential}</p> <p><strong>Amp</strong> You can affect the flow of energy on a much grander scale. Instead of two 5-foot squares, you create two @Template[burst|distance:10]{10 foot bursts}. They still must be adjacent to one another and can overlap. A creature in both areas can still be affected by only one of your choice. The spell's damage increases to 6d6. The conditions last for 1 minute.</p> <p><strong>Amp Heightened (+1)</strong> Increase the damage by 2d6 instead of 1d4.</p> <h3><strong>Conservation of Energy</strong></h3> <p>Energy can't be created or destroyed, only transferred or changed. Whenever you use your magic to add or remove energy, you must then balance it with the opposing force. The first time in an encounter that you cast a granted spell or standard psi cantrip from your conscious mind, decide whether you're adding energy or removing it. Once you add energy, you must remove energy the next time you cast one of these spells. When you Refocus, you restore yourself to a neutral state, allowing you to once again freely choose whether you add or remove energy on your next spell.</p> <p><strong>Adding Energy:</strong> The ability gains the fire trait, any damage it deals is fire damage, and any resistance it grants is to cold damage. It loses any traits matching damage types it no longer deals.</p> <p><strong>Removing Energy:</strong> The ability gains the cold trait, any damage it deals is cold damage, and any resistance it grants is to fire damage. It loses any traits matching damage types it no longer deals. <em>Fiery body</em> grants <em>ray of frost</em> instead of <em>produce flame</em> when cast this way.</p> <p><strong>Mindshift:</strong> When you use an action that has the mindshift trait, you can choose to add or remove energy to it instead of making it mental. Alter it as normal for adding or removing energy and change any save it requires to a Reflex save.</p>
<hr /> <p><strong>授予法术</strong></p> <ul> <li>1环: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.y6rAdMK6EFlV6U0t]{燃烧之息 Breathe Fire}</li> <li>2环: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.v4KzRPol5XQOOmk0]{灼热金属 Heat Metal}</li> <li>3环: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.sxQZ6yqTn0czJxVd]{火球术 Fireball}</li> <li>4环: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.YrzBLPLd3r9m6t1p]{火焰护盾 Fire Shield}</li> <li>5环: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.3puDanGfpEt6jK5k]{寒冰锥 Cone of Cold}</li> <li>6环: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.Gn5deIoobHpd3SiR]{烈焰漩涡 Flame Vortex}</li> <li>7环: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.XS7Wyh5YC0NWeWyB]{火焰之躯 Fiery Body}</li> <li>8环: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.BKIet436snMNcnez]{极冰射线 Polar Ray}</li> <li>9环: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.jrBa9deU2ULFWvSl]{坠星爆 Falling Stars}</li> </ul> <p><strong>标准心能戏法</strong></p> <ul> <li>@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.6DfLZBl8wKIV03Iq]{引火术 Ignition}</li> <li>@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.IxhGEKl63R4QBvkj]{冻伤术 Frostbite}</li> </ul> <p><strong>独特心能戏法</strong></p> <ul> <li>表层: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.dhpXpzt7TCm8TbHM]{热能静滞 Thermal Stasis}</li> <li>深层: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.X4T5RlQBrdpmA35n]{熵之轮转 Entropic Wheel}</li> <li>至深: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.bZMwSGc9t5K7uxZV]{置换潜能 Redistribute Potential}</li> </ul> <hr /> <h3><strong>能量守恒 Conservation of Energy</strong></h3> <p>能量不能被创造或破坏,只能被转移或改变。每当你用魔法来增加或移除能量时,你必须用相反的力量来平衡它。一次遭遇中,当你第一次施展该意识授予的法术或标准心能戏法时,你必须决定你是在增加能量还是移除能量。一旦你增加了能量,在你下次施展这些法术时,你必须移除能量。当再聚能时,你会恢复到中性状态,允许你再次自由选择在下次施法时增加或移除能量。</p> <p><strong>增加能量:</strong> 该能力获得火焰特性,它造成的任何伤害都是火焰伤害,它给予的任何抗性都是寒冷伤害抗性。它失去了与它不再造成的伤害类型相匹配的任何特性。</p> <p><strong>移除能量:</strong> 该能力获得寒冷特性,它造成的任何伤害都是寒冷伤害,而它给予的任何抗性都是火焰伤害抗性。它失去了任何与它不再造成的伤害类型相匹配的特性。当以这种方式施放时,<em>火热之躯 Fiery body</em>会让你使用<em>寒冷射线 Ray of frost</em>而非<em>燃火术 Produce flame</em>。</p> <p><strong>心象转移:</strong> 当你使用一个具有心象转移特性的动作时,你可以选择增加或移除能量,而不使用其心灵特性。在添加或移除能量的过程中,你可以像平常一样改变它,并将它需要的豁免改为反射豁免。</p> |
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<p>At the heart of all things is energy. Though it may change its form or resting place, it is eternal, fundamental, the purest of building blocks. Your powers let you shift energy-either concentrating it in a single point to explosive end or freezing objects by plundering it away-in an endless oscillation of temperature.</p>
<hr /> <p><strong>Granted Spells</strong></p> <ul> <li>1st: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.y6rAdMK6EFlV6U0t]{Breathe Fire}</li> <li>2nd: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.v4KzRPol5XQOOmk0]{Heat Metal}</li> <li>3rd: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.sxQZ6yqTn0czJxVd]{Fireball}</li> <li>4th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.YrzBLPLd3r9m6t1p]{Fire Shield}</li> <li>5th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.3puDanGfpEt6jK5k]{Cone of Cold}</li> <li>6th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.Gn5deIoobHpd3SiR]{Flame Vortex}</li> <li>7th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.XS7Wyh5YC0NWeWyB]{Fiery Body}</li> <li>8th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.BKIet436snMNcnez]{Polar Ray}</li> <li>9th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.jrBa9deU2ULFWvSl]{Falling Stars}</li> </ul> <p><strong>Standard Psi Cantrips</strong></p> <p>@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.6DfLZBl8wKIV03Iq]{Ignition}</p> <p>You can drastically increase the heat against targets at a distance. When using <em>ignition</em> as a ranged attack, increase the range to 60 feet. When using ignition as a melee attack, your reach increases by 5 feet. Your <em>ignition</em> also gains the following amp.</p> <p><strong>Amp</strong> You project pure heat that causes a target to combust. The initial damage changes to 1d10 fire damage plus 1 fire splash damage. When using amped ignition as a melee attack, increase the damage dice of the initial damage from d10s to d12s. You are not harmed by splash damage from amped <em>ignition</em>.</p> <p><strong>Amp Heightened (+1)</strong> Instead of using <em>ignition's</em> normal heightened entry, the initial damage increases by 1d10 (1d12 for melee) and the splash damage increases by 1. The persistent fire damage on a critical hit increases by 1d4.</p> <p>@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.IxhGEKl63R4QBvkj]{Frostbite}</p> <p>You can freeze people from even farther away. The range of your <em>frostbite</em> increases to 120 feet. Your <em>frostbite</em> also gains the following amp.</p> <p><strong>Amp</strong> You drain thermal energy at a distance, using what you plunder to replenish yourself. The orb deals 3d4 cold damage. You gain temporary Hit Points equal to half the damage the target takes (after applying resistances and the like). You lose any remaining temporary Hit Points after 1 minute.</p> <p><strong>Amp Heightened (+1)</strong> The initial damage increases by 2d4 instead of 1d4. The weakness on a critical failure increases by 1.</p> <p><strong>Unique Psi Cantrips</strong></p> <p>surface: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.dhpXpzt7TCm8TbHM]{Thermal Stasis}</p> <p><strong>Amp</strong> The spell's duration becomes 1 minute.</p> <p>deeper: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.X4T5RlQBrdpmA35n]{Entropic Wheel}</p> <p><strong>Amp</strong> You gain two motes instead of one when you Cast the Spell and each time the wheel gains another mote.</p> <p>deepest: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.bZMwSGc9t5K7uxZV]{Redistribute Potential}</p> <p><strong>Amp</strong> You can affect the flow of energy on a much grander scale. Instead of two 5-foot squares, you create two @Template[burst|distance:10]{10 foot bursts}. They still must be adjacent to one another and can overlap. A creature in both areas can still be affected by only one of your choice. The spell's damage increases to 6d6. The conditions last for 1 minute.</p> <p><strong>Amp Heightened (+1)</strong> Increase the damage by 2d6 instead of 1d4.</p> <h3><strong>Conservation of Energy</strong></h3> <p>Energy can't be created or destroyed, only transferred or changed. Whenever you use your magic to add or remove energy, you must then balance it with the opposing force. The first time in an encounter that you cast a granted spell or standard psi cantrip from your conscious mind, decide whether you're adding energy or removing it. Once you add energy, you must remove energy the next time you cast one of these spells. When you Refocus, you restore yourself to a neutral state, allowing you to once again freely choose whether you add or remove energy on your next spell.</p> <p><strong>Adding Energy:</strong> The ability gains the fire trait, any damage it deals is fire damage, and any resistance it grants is to cold damage. It loses any traits matching damage types it no longer deals.</p> <p><strong>Removing Energy:</strong> The ability gains the cold trait, any damage it deals is cold damage, and any resistance it grants is to fire damage. It loses any traits matching damage types it no longer deals. <em>Fiery body</em> grants <em>ray of frost</em> instead of <em>produce flame</em> when cast this way.</p> <p><strong>Mindshift:</strong> When you use an action that has the mindshift trait, you can choose to add or remove energy to it instead of making it mental. Alter it as normal for adding or removing energy and change any save it requires to a Reflex save.</p>
<hr /> <p><strong>授予法术</strong></p> <ul> <li>1环: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.y6rAdMK6EFlV6U0t]{燃烧之息 Breathe Fire}</li> <li>2环: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.v4KzRPol5XQOOmk0]{灼热金属 Heat Metal}</li> <li>3环: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.sxQZ6yqTn0czJxVd]{火球术 Fireball}</li> <li>4环: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.YrzBLPLd3r9m6t1p]{火焰护盾 Fire Shield}</li> <li>5环: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.3puDanGfpEt6jK5k]{寒冰锥 Cone of Cold}</li> <li>6环: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.Gn5deIoobHpd3SiR]{烈焰漩涡 Flame Vortex}</li> <li>7环: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.XS7Wyh5YC0NWeWyB]{火焰之躯 Fiery Body}</li> <li>8环: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.BKIet436snMNcnez]{极冰射线 Polar Ray}</li> <li>9环: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.jrBa9deU2ULFWvSl]{坠星爆 Falling Stars}</li> </ul> <p><strong>标准心能戏法</strong></p> <ul> <li>@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.6DfLZBl8wKIV03Iq]{引火术 Ignition}</li> <li>@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.IxhGEKl63R4QBvkj]{冻伤术 Frostbite}</li> </ul> <p><strong>独特心能戏法</strong></p> <ul> <li>表层: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.dhpXpzt7TCm8TbHM]{热能静滞 Thermal Stasis}</li> <li>深层: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.X4T5RlQBrdpmA35n]{熵之轮转 Entropic Wheel}</li> <li>至深: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.bZMwSGc9t5K7uxZV]{置换潜能 Redistribute Potential}</li> </ul> <hr /> <h3><strong>能量守恒 Conservation of Energy</strong></h3> <p>能量不能被创造或破坏,只能被转移或改变。每当你用魔法来增加或移除能量时,你必须用相反的力量来平衡它。一次遭遇中,当你第一次施展该意识授予的法术或标准心能戏法时,你必须决定你是在增加能量还是移除能量。一旦你增加了能量,在你下次施展这些法术时,你必须移除能量。当再聚能时,你会恢复到中性状态,允许你再次自由选择在下次施法时增加或移除能量。</p> <p><strong>增加能量:</strong> 该能力获得火焰特性,它造成的任何伤害都是火焰伤害,它给予的任何抗性都是寒冷伤害抗性。它失去了与它不再造成的伤害类型相匹配的任何特性。</p> <p><strong>移除能量:</strong> 该能力获得寒冷特性,它造成的任何伤害都是寒冷伤害,而它给予的任何抗性都是火焰伤害抗性。它失去了任何与它不再造成的伤害类型相匹配的特性。当以这种方式施放时,<em>火热之躯 Fiery body</em>会让你使用<em>寒冷射线 Ray of frost</em>而非<em>燃火术 Produce flame</em>。</p> <p><strong>心象转移:</strong> 当你使用一个具有心象转移特性的动作时,你可以选择增加或移除能量,而不使用其心灵特性。在添加或移除能量的过程中,你可以像平常一样改变它,并将它需要的豁免改为反射豁免。</p> |
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<p>At the heart of all things is energy. Though it may change its form or resting place, it is eternal, fundamental, the purest of building blocks. Your powers let you shift energy-either concentrating it in a single point to explosive end or freezing objects by plundering it away-in an endless oscillation of temperature.</p>
<hr /> <p><strong>Granted Spells</strong></p> <ul> <li>1st: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.y6rAdMK6EFlV6U0t]{Breathe Fire}</li> <li>2nd: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.v4KzRPol5XQOOmk0]{Heat Metal}</li> <li>3rd: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.sxQZ6yqTn0czJxVd]{Fireball}</li> <li>4th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.YrzBLPLd3r9m6t1p]{Fire Shield}</li> <li>5th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.3puDanGfpEt6jK5k]{Cone of Cold}</li> <li>6th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.Gn5deIoobHpd3SiR]{Flame Vortex}</li> <li>7th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.XS7Wyh5YC0NWeWyB]{Fiery Body}</li> <li>8th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.BKIet436snMNcnez]{Polar Ray}</li> <li>9th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.jrBa9deU2ULFWvSl]{Falling Stars}</li> </ul> <p><strong>Standard Psi Cantrips</strong></p> <p>@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.6DfLZBl8wKIV03Iq]{Ignition}</p> <p>You can drastically increase the heat against targets at a distance. When using <em>ignition</em> as a ranged attack, increase the range to 60 feet. When using ignition as a melee attack, your reach increases by 5 feet. Your <em>ignition</em> also gains the following amp.</p> <p><strong>Amp</strong> You project pure heat that causes a target to combust. The initial damage changes to 1d10 fire damage plus 1 fire splash damage. When using amped ignition as a melee attack, increase the damage dice of the initial damage from d10s to d12s. You are not harmed by splash damage from amped <em>ignition</em>.</p> <p><strong>Amp Heightened (+1)</strong> Instead of using <em>ignition's</em> normal heightened entry, the initial damage increases by 1d10 (1d12 for melee) and the splash damage increases by 1. The persistent fire damage on a critical hit increases by 1d4.</p> <p>@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.IxhGEKl63R4QBvkj]{Frostbite}</p> <p>You can freeze people from even farther away. The range of your <em>frostbite</em> increases to 120 feet. Your <em>frostbite</em> also gains the following amp.</p> <p><strong>Amp</strong> You drain thermal energy at a distance, using what you plunder to replenish yourself. The orb deals 3d4 cold damage. You gain temporary Hit Points equal to half the damage the target takes (after applying resistances and the like). You lose any remaining temporary Hit Points after 1 minute.</p> <p><strong>Amp Heightened (+1)</strong> The initial damage increases by 2d4 instead of 1d4. The weakness on a critical failure increases by 1.</p> <p><strong>Unique Psi Cantrips</strong></p> <p>surface: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.dhpXpzt7TCm8TbHM]{Thermal Stasis}</p> <p><strong>Amp</strong> The spell's duration becomes 1 minute.</p> <p>deeper: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.X4T5RlQBrdpmA35n]{Entropic Wheel}</p> <p><strong>Amp</strong> You gain two motes instead of one when you Cast the Spell and each time the wheel gains another mote.</p> <p>deepest: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.bZMwSGc9t5K7uxZV]{Redistribute Potential}</p> <p><strong>Amp</strong> You can affect the flow of energy on a much grander scale. Instead of two 5-foot squares, you create two @ <p><strong>Amp Heightened (+1)</strong> Increase the damage by 2d6 instead of 1d4.</p> <h3><strong>Conservation of Energy</strong></h3> <p>Energy can't be created or destroyed, only transferred or changed. Whenever you use your magic to add or remove energy, you must then balance it with the opposing force. The first time in an encounter that you cast a granted spell or standard psi cantrip from your conscious mind, decide whether you're adding energy or removing it. Once you add energy, you must remove energy the next time you cast one of these spells. When you Refocus, you restore yourself to a neutral state, allowing you to once again freely choose whether you add or remove energy on your next spell.</p> <p><strong>Adding Energy:</strong> The ability gains the fire trait, any damage it deals is fire damage, and any resistance it grants is to cold damage. It loses any traits matching damage types it no longer deals.</p> <p><strong>Removing Energy:</strong> The ability gains the cold trait, any damage it deals is cold damage, and any resistance it grants is to fire damage. It loses any traits matching damage types it no longer deals. <em>Fiery body</em> grants <em>ray of frost</em> instead of <em>produce flame</em> when cast this way.</p> <p><strong>Mindshift:</strong> When you use an action that has the mindshift trait, you can choose to add or remove energy to it instead of making it mental. Alter it as normal for adding or removing energy and change any save it requires to a Reflex save.</p> |
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<p>At the heart of all things is energy. Though it may change its form or resting place, it is eternal, fundamental, the purest of building blocks. Your powers let you shift energy-either concentrating it in a single point to explosive end or freezing objects by plundering it away-in an endless oscillation of temperature.</p>
<hr /> <p><strong>Granted Spells</strong></p> <ul> <li>1st: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.y6rAdMK6EFlV6U0t]{Breathe Fire}</li> <li>2nd: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.v4KzRPol5XQOOmk0]{Heat Metal}</li> <li>3rd: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.sxQZ6yqTn0czJxVd]{Fireball}</li> <li>4th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.YrzBLPLd3r9m6t1p]{Fire Shield}</li> <li>5th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.3puDanGfpEt6jK5k]{Cone of Cold}</li> <li>6th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.Gn5deIoobHpd3SiR]{Flame Vortex}</li> <li>7th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.XS7Wyh5YC0NWeWyB]{Fiery Body}</li> <li>8th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.BKIet436snMNcnez]{Polar Ray}</li> <li>9th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.jrBa9deU2ULFWvSl]{Falling Stars}</li> </ul> <p><strong>Standard Psi Cantrips</strong></p> <p>@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.6DfLZBl8wKIV03Iq]{Ignition}</p> <p>You can drastically increase the heat against targets at a distance. When using <em>ignition</em> as a ranged attack, increase the range to 60 feet. When using ignition as a melee attack, your reach increases by 5 feet. Your <em>ignition</em> also gains the following amp.</p> <p><strong>Amp</strong> You project pure heat that causes a target to combust. The initial damage changes to 1d10 fire damage plus 1 fire splash damage. When using amped ignition as a melee attack, increase the damage dice of the initial damage from d10s to d12s. You are not harmed by splash damage from amped <em>ignition</em>.</p> <p><strong>Amp Heightened (+1)</strong> Instead of using <em>ignition's</em> normal heightened entry, the initial damage increases by 1d10 (1d12 for melee) and the splash damage increases by 1. The persistent fire damage on a critical hit increases by 1d4.</p> <p>@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.IxhGEKl63R4QBvkj]{Frostbite}</p> <p>You can freeze people from even farther away. The range of your <em>frostbite</em> increases to 120 feet. Your <em>frostbite</em> also gains the following amp.</p> <p><strong>Amp</strong> You drain thermal energy at a distance, using what you plunder to replenish yourself. The orb deals 3d4 cold damage. You gain temporary Hit Points equal to half the damage the target takes (after applying resistances and the like). You lose any remaining temporary Hit Points after 1 minute.</p> <p><strong>Amp Heightened (+1)</strong> The initial damage increases by 2d4 instead of 1d4. The weakness on a critical failure increases by 1.</p> <p><strong>Unique Psi Cantrips</strong></p> <p>surface: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.dhpXpzt7TCm8TbHM]{Thermal Stasis}</p> <p><strong>Amp</strong> The spell's duration becomes 1 minute.</p> <p>deeper: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.X4T5RlQBrdpmA35n]{Entropic Wheel}</p> <p><strong>Amp</strong> You gain two motes instead of one when you Cast the Spell and each time the wheel gains another mote.</p> <p>deepest: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.bZMwSGc9t5K7uxZV]{Redistribute Potential}</p> <p><strong>Amp</strong> You can affect the flow of energy on a much grander scale. Instead of two 5-foot squares, you create two @template[burst|distance:10]{10 foot bursts}. They still must be adjacent to one another and can overlap. A creature in both areas can still be affected by only one of your choice. The spell's damage increases to 6d6. The conditions last for 1 minute.</p> <p><strong>Amp Heightened (+1)</strong> Increase the damage by 2d6 instead of 1d4.</p> <h3><strong>Conservation of Energy</strong></h3> <p>Energy can't be created or destroyed, only transferred or changed. Whenever you use your magic to add or remove energy, you must then balance it with the opposing force. The first time in an encounter that you cast a granted spell or standard psi cantrip from your conscious mind, decide whether you're adding energy or removing it. Once you add energy, you must remove energy the next time you cast one of these spells. When you Refocus, you restore yourself to a neutral state, allowing you to once again freely choose whether you add or remove energy on your next spell.</p> <p><strong>Adding Energy:</strong> The ability gains the fire trait, any damage it deals is fire damage, and any resistance it grants is to cold damage. It loses any traits matching damage types it no longer deals.</p> <p><strong>Removing Energy:</strong> The ability gains the cold trait, any damage it deals is cold damage, and any resistance it grants is to fire damage. It loses any traits matching damage types it no longer deals. <em>Fiery body</em> grants <em>ray of frost</em> instead of <em>produce flame</em> when cast this way.</p> <p><strong>Mindshift:</strong> When you use an action that has the mindshift trait, you can choose to add or remove energy to it instead of making it mental. Alter it as normal for adding or removing energy and change any save it requires to a Reflex save.</p>
<hr /> <p><strong>授予法术</strong></p> <ul> <li>1环: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.y6rAdMK6EFlV6U0t]{燃烧之息 Breathe Fire}</li> <li>2环: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.v4KzRPol5XQOOmk0]{灼热金属 Heat Metal}</li> <li>3环: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.sxQZ6yqTn0czJxVd]{火球术 Fireball}</li> <li>4环: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.YrzBLPLd3r9m6t1p]{火焰护盾 Fire Shield}</li> <li>5环: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.3puDanGfpEt6jK5k]{寒冰锥 Cone of Cold}</li> <li>6环: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.Gn5deIoobHpd3SiR]{烈焰漩涡 Flame Vortex}</li> <li>7环: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.XS7Wyh5YC0NWeWyB]{火焰之躯 Fiery Body}</li> <li>8环: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.BKIet436snMNcnez]{极冰射线 Polar Ray}</li> <li>9环: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.jrBa9deU2ULFWvSl]{坠星爆 Falling Stars}</li> </ul> <p><strong>标准心能戏法</strong></p> <ul> <li>@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.6DfLZBl8wKIV03Iq]{引火术 Ignition}</li> <li>@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.IxhGEKl63R4QBvkj]{冻伤术 Frostbite}</li> </ul> <p><strong>独特心能戏法</strong></p> <ul> <li>表层: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.dhpXpzt7TCm8TbHM]{热能静滞 Thermal Stasis}</li> <li>深层: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.X4T5RlQBrdpmA35n]{熵之轮转 Entropic Wheel}</li> <li>至深: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.bZMwSGc9t5K7uxZV]{置换潜能 Redistribute Potential}</li> </ul> <hr /> <h3><strong>能量守恒 Conservation of Energy</strong></h3> <p>能量不能被创造或破坏,只能被转移或改变。每当你用魔法来增加或移除能量时,你必须用相反的力量来平衡它。一次遭遇中,当你第一次施展该意识授予的法术或标准心能戏法时,你必须决定你是在增加能量还是移除能量。一旦你增加了能量,在你下次施展这些法术时,你必须移除能量。当再聚能时,你会恢复到中性状态,允许你再次自由选择在下次施法时增加或移除能量。</p> <p><strong>增加能量:</strong> 该能力获得火焰特性,它造成的任何伤害都是火焰伤害,它给予的任何抗性都是寒冷伤害抗性。它失去了与它不再造成的伤害类型相匹配的任何特性。</p> <p><strong>移除能量:</strong> 该能力获得寒冷特性,它造成的任何伤害都是寒冷伤害,而它给予的任何抗性都是火焰伤害抗性。它失去了任何与它不再造成的伤害类型相匹配的特性。当以这种方式施放时,<em>火热之躯 Fiery body</em>会让你使用<em>寒冷射线 Ray of frost</em>而非<em>燃火术 Produce flame</em>。</p> <p><strong>心象转移:</strong> 当你使用一个具有心象转移特性的动作时,你可以选择增加或移除能量,而不使用其心灵特性。在添加或移除能量的过程中,你可以像平常一样改变它,并将它需要的豁免改为反射豁免。</p> |
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<p>At the heart of all things is energy. Though it may change its form or resting place, it is eternal, fundamental, the purest of building blocks. Your powers let you shift energy-either concentrating it in a single point to explosive end or freezing objects by plundering it away-in an endless oscillation of temperature.</p>
<hr /> <p><strong>Granted Spells</strong></p> <ul> <li>1st: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.y6rAdMK6EFlV6U0t]{Breathe Fire}</li> <li>2nd: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.v4KzRPol5XQOOmk0]{Heat Metal}</li> <li>3rd: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.sxQZ6yqTn0czJxVd]{Fireball}</li> <li>4th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.YrzBLPLd3r9m6t1p]{Fire Shield}</li> <li>5th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.3puDanGfpEt6jK5k]{Cone of Cold}</li> <li>6th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.Gn5deIoobHpd3SiR]{Flame Vortex}</li> <li>7th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.XS7Wyh5YC0NWeWyB]{Fiery Body}</li> <li>8th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.BKIet436snMNcnez]{Polar Ray}</li> <li>9th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.jrBa9deU2ULFWvSl]{Falling Stars}</li> </ul> <p><strong>Standard Psi Cantrips</strong></p> <p>@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.6DfLZBl8wKIV03Iq]{Ignition}</p> <p>You can drastically increase the heat against targets at a distance. When using <em>ignition</em> as a ranged attack, increase the range to 60 feet. When using ignition as a melee attack, your reach increases by 5 feet. Your <em>ignition</em> also gains the following amp.</p> <p><strong>Amp</strong> You project pure heat that causes a target to combust. The initial damage changes to 1d10 fire damage plus 1 fire splash damage. When using amped ignition as a melee attack, increase the damage dice of the initial damage from d10s to d12s. You are not harmed by splash damage from amped <em>ignition</em>.</p> <p><strong>Amp Heightened (+1)</strong> Instead of using <em>ignition's</em> normal heightened entry, the initial damage increases by 1d10 (1d12 for melee) and the splash damage increases by 1. The persistent fire damage on a critical hit increases by 1d4.</p> <p>@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.IxhGEKl63R4QBvkj]{Frostbite}</p> <p>You can freeze people from even farther away. The range of your <em>frostbite</em> increases to 120 feet. Your <em>frostbite</em> also gains the following amp.</p> <p><strong>Amp</strong> You drain thermal energy at a distance, using what you plunder to replenish yourself. The orb deals 3d4 cold damage. You gain temporary Hit Points equal to half the damage the target takes (after applying resistances and the like). You lose any remaining temporary Hit Points after 1 minute.</p> <p><strong>Amp Heightened (+1)</strong> The initial damage increases by 2d4 instead of 1d4. The weakness on a critical failure increases by 1.</p> <p><strong>Unique Psi Cantrips</strong></p> <p>surface: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.dhpXpzt7TCm8TbHM]{Thermal Stasis}</p> <p><strong>Amp</strong> The spell's duration becomes 1 minute.</p> <p>deeper: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.X4T5RlQBrdpmA35n]{Entropic Wheel}</p> <p><strong>Amp</strong> You gain two motes instead of one when you Cast the Spell and each time the wheel gains another mote.</p> <p>deepest: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.bZMwSGc9t5K7uxZV]{Redistribute Potential}</p> <p><strong>Amp</strong> You can affect the flow of energy on a much grander scale. Instead of two 5-foot squares, you create two @template[burst|distance:10]{10 foot bursts}. They still must be adjacent to one another and can overlap. A creature in both areas can still be affected by only one of your choice. The spell's damage increases to 6d6. The conditions last for 1 minute.</p> <p><strong>Amp Heightened (+1)</strong> Increase the damage by 2d6 instead of 1d4.</p> <h3><strong>Conservation of Energy</strong></h3> <p>Energy can't be created or destroyed, only transferred or changed. Whenever you use your magic to add or remove energy, you must then balance it with the opposing force. The first time in an encounter that you cast a granted spell or standard psi cantrip from your conscious mind, decide whether you're adding energy or removing it. Once you add energy, you must remove energy the next time you cast one of these spells. When you Refocus, you restore yourself to a neutral state, allowing you to once again freely choose whether you add or remove energy on your next spell.</p> <p><strong>Adding Energy:</strong> The ability gains the fire trait, any damage it deals is fire damage, and any resistance it grants is to cold damage. It loses any traits matching damage types it no longer deals.</p> <p><strong>Removing Energy:</strong> The ability gains the cold trait, any damage it deals is cold damage, and any resistance it grants is to fire damage. It loses any traits matching damage types it no longer deals. <em>Fiery body</em> grants <em>ray of frost</em> instead of <em>produce flame</em> when cast this way.</p> <p><strong>Mindshift:</strong> When you use an action that has the mindshift trait, you can choose to add or remove energy to it instead of making it mental. Alter it as normal for adding or removing energy and change any save it requires to a Reflex save.</p>
<hr /> <p><strong>授予法术</strong></p> <ul> <li>1环: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.y6rAdMK6EFlV6U0t]{燃烧之息 Breathe Fire}</li> <li>2环: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.v4KzRPol5XQOOmk0]{灼热金属 Heat Metal}</li> <li>3环: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.sxQZ6yqTn0czJxVd]{火球术 Fireball}</li> <li>4环: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.YrzBLPLd3r9m6t1p]{火焰护盾 Fire Shield}</li> <li>5环: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.3puDanGfpEt6jK5k]{寒冰锥 Cone of Cold}</li> <li>6环: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.Gn5deIoobHpd3SiR]{烈焰漩涡 Flame Vortex}</li> <li>7环: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.XS7Wyh5YC0NWeWyB]{火焰之躯 Fiery Body}</li> <li>8环: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.BKIet436snMNcnez]{极冰射线 Polar Ray}</li> <li>9环: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.jrBa9deU2ULFWvSl]{坠星爆 Falling Stars}</li> </ul> <p><strong>标准心能戏法</strong></p> <ul> <li>@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.6DfLZBl8wKIV03Iq]{引火术 Ignition}</li> <li>@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.IxhGEKl63R4QBvkj]{冻伤术 Frostbite}</li> </ul> <p><strong>独特心能戏法</strong></p> <ul> <li>表层: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.dhpXpzt7TCm8TbHM]{热能静滞 Thermal Stasis}</li> <li>深层: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.X4T5RlQBrdpmA35n]{熵之轮转 Entropic Wheel}</li> <li>至深: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.bZMwSGc9t5K7uxZV]{置换潜能 Redistribute Potential}</li> </ul> <hr /> <h3><strong>能量守恒 Conservation of Energy</strong></h3> <p>能量不能被创造或破坏,只能被转移或改变。每当你用魔法来增加或移除能量时,你必须用相反的力量来平衡它。一次遭遇中,当你第一次施展该意识授予的法术或标准心能戏法时,你必须决定你是在增加能量还是移除能量。一旦你增加了能量,在你下次施展这些法术时,你必须移除能量。当再聚能时,你会恢复到中性状态,允许你再次自由选择在下次施法时增加或移除能量。</p> <p><strong>增加能量:</strong> 该能力获得火焰特性,它造成的任何伤害都是火焰伤害,它给予的任何抗性都是寒冷伤害抗性。它失去了与它不再造成的伤害类型相匹配的任何特性。</p> <p><strong>移除能量:</strong> 该能力获得寒冷特性,它造成的任何伤害都是寒冷伤害,而它给予的任何抗性都是火焰伤害抗性。它失去了任何与它不再造成的伤害类型相匹配的特性。当以这种方式施放时,<em>火热之躯 Fiery body</em>会让你使用<em>寒冷射线 Ray of frost</em>而非<em>燃火术 Produce flame</em>。</p> <p><strong>心象转移:</strong> 当你使用一个具有心象转移特性的动作时,你可以选择增加或移除能量,而不使用其心灵特性。在添加或移除能量的过程中,你可以像平常一样改变它,并将它需要的豁免改为反射豁免。</p> |
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<p>At the heart of all things is energy. Though it may change its form or resting place, it is eternal, fundamental, the purest of building blocks. Your powers let you shift energy-either concentrating it in a single point to explosive end or freezing objects by plundering it away-in an endless oscillation of temperature.</p>
<hr /> <p><strong>Granted Spells</strong></p> <ul> <li>1st: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.y6rAdMK6EFlV6U0t]{Breathe Fire}</li> <li>2nd: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.v4KzRPol5XQOOmk0]{Heat Metal}</li> <li>3rd: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.sxQZ6yqTn0czJxVd]{Fireball}</li> <li>4th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.YrzBLPLd3r9m6t1p]{Fire Shield}</li> <li>5th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.3puDanGfpEt6jK5k]{Cone of Cold}</li> <li>6th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.Gn5deIoobHpd3SiR]{Flame Vortex}</li> <li>7th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.XS7Wyh5YC0NWeWyB]{Fiery Body}</li> <li>8th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.BKIet436snMNcnez]{Polar Ray}</li> <li>9th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.jrBa9deU2ULFWvSl]{Falling Stars}</li> </ul> <p><strong>Standard Psi Cantrips</strong></p> <p>@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.6DfLZBl8wKIV03Iq]{Ignition}</p> <p>You can drastically increase the heat against targets at a distance. When using <em>ignition</em> as a ranged attack, increase the range to 60 feet. When using ignition as a melee attack, your reach increases by 5 feet. Your <em>ignition</em> also gains the following amp.</p> <p><strong>Amp</strong> You project pure heat that causes a target to combust. The initial damage changes to 1d10 fire damage plus 1 fire splash damage. When using amped ignition as a melee attack, increase the damage dice of the initial damage from d10s to d12s. You are not harmed by splash damage from amped <em>ignition</em>.</p> <p><strong>Amp Heightened (+1)</strong> Instead of using <em>ignition's</em> normal heightened entry, the initial damage increases by 1d10 (1d12 for melee) and the splash damage increases by 1. The persistent fire damage on a critical hit increases by 1d4.</p> <p>@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.IxhGEKl63R4QBvkj]{Frostbite}</p> <p>You can freeze people from even farther away. The range of your <em>frostbite</em> increases to 120 feet. Your <em>frostbite</em> also gains the following amp.</p> <p><strong>Amp</strong> You drain thermal energy at a distance, using what you plunder to replenish yourself. The orb deals 3d4 cold damage. You gain temporary Hit Points equal to half the damage the target takes (after applying resistances and the like). You lose any remaining temporary Hit Points after 1 minute.</p> <p><strong>Amp Heightened (+1)</strong> The initial damage increases by 2d4 instead of 1d4. The weakness on a critical failure increases by 1.</p> <p><strong>Unique Psi Cantrips</strong></p> <p>surface: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.dhpXpzt7TCm8TbHM]{Thermal Stasis}</p> <p><strong>Amp</strong> The spell's duration becomes 1 minute.</p> <p>deeper: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.X4T5RlQBrdpmA35n]{Entropic Wheel}</p> <p><strong>Amp</strong> You gain two motes instead of one when you Cast the Spell and each time the wheel gains another mote.</p> <p>deepest: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.bZMwSGc9t5K7uxZV]{Redistribute Potential}</p> <p><strong>Amp</strong> You can affect the flow of energy on a much grander scale. Instead of two 5-foot squares, you create two @ <p><strong>Amp Heightened (+1)</strong> Increase the damage by 2d6 instead of 1d4.</p> <h3><strong>Conservation of Energy</strong></h3> <p>Energy can't be created or destroyed, only transferred or changed. Whenever you use your magic to add or remove energy, you must then balance it with the opposing force. The first time in an encounter that you cast a granted spell or standard psi cantrip from your conscious mind, decide whether you're adding energy or removing it. Once you add energy, you must remove energy the next time you cast one of these spells. When you Refocus, you restore yourself to a neutral state, allowing you to once again freely choose whether you add or remove energy on your next spell.</p> <p><strong>Adding Energy:</strong> The ability gains the fire trait, any damage it deals is fire damage, and any resistance it grants is to cold damage. It loses any traits matching damage types it no longer deals.</p> <p><strong>Removing Energy:</strong> The ability gains the cold trait, any damage it deals is cold damage, and any resistance it grants is to fire damage. It loses any traits matching damage types it no longer deals. <em>Fiery body</em> grants <em>ray of frost</em> instead of <em>produce flame</em> when cast this way.</p> <p><strong>Mindshift:</strong> When you use an action that has the mindshift trait, you can choose to add or remove energy to it instead of making it mental. Alter it as normal for adding or removing energy and change any save it requires to a Reflex save.</p> |
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<p>At the heart of all things is energy. Though it may change its form or resting place, it is eternal, fundamental, the purest of building blocks. Your powers let you shift energy-either concentrating it in a single point to explosive end or freezing objects by plundering it away-in an endless oscillation of temperature.</p>
<hr /> <p><strong>Granted Spells</strong></p> <ul> <li>1st: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.y6rAdMK6EFlV6U0t]{Breathe Fire}</li> <li>2nd: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.v4KzRPol5XQOOmk0]{Heat Metal}</li> <li>3rd: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.sxQZ6yqTn0czJxVd]{Fireball}</li> <li>4th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.YrzBLPLd3r9m6t1p]{Fire Shield}</li> <li>5th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.3puDanGfpEt6jK5k]{Cone of Cold}</li> <li>6th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.Gn5deIoobHpd3SiR]{Flame Vortex}</li> <li>7th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.XS7Wyh5YC0NWeWyB]{Fiery Body}</li> <li>8th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.BKIet436snMNcnez]{Polar Ray}</li> <li>9th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.jrBa9deU2ULFWvSl]{Falling Stars}</li> </ul> <p><strong>Standard Psi Cantrips</strong></p> <p>@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.6DfLZBl8wKIV03Iq]{Ignition}</p> <p>You can drastically increase the heat against targets at a distance. When using <em>ignition</em> as a ranged attack, increase the range to 60 feet. When using ignition as a melee attack, your reach increases by 5 feet. Your <em>ignition</em> also gains the following amp.</p> <p><strong>Amp</strong> You project pure heat that causes a target to combust. The initial damage changes to 1d10 fire damage plus 1 fire splash damage. When using amped ignition as a melee attack, increase the damage dice of the initial damage from d10s to d12s. You are not harmed by splash damage from amped <em>ignition</em>.</p> <p><strong>Amp Heightened (+1)</strong> Instead of using <em>ignition's</em> normal heightened entry, the initial damage increases by 1d10 (1d12 for melee) and the splash damage increases by 1. The persistent fire damage on a critical hit increases by 1d4.</p> <p>@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.IxhGEKl63R4QBvkj]{Frostbite}</p> <p>You can freeze people from even farther away. The range of your <em>frostbite</em> increases to 120 feet. Your <em>frostbite</em> also gains the following amp.</p> <p><strong>Amp</strong> You drain thermal energy at a distance, using what you plunder to replenish yourself. The orb deals 3d4 cold damage. You gain temporary Hit Points equal to half the damage the target takes (after applying resistances and the like). You lose any remaining temporary Hit Points after 1 minute.</p> <p><strong>Amp Heightened (+1)</strong> The initial damage increases by 2d4 instead of 1d4. The weakness on a critical failure increases by 1.</p> <p><strong>Unique Psi Cantrips</strong></p> <p>surface: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.dhpXpzt7TCm8TbHM]{Thermal Stasis}</p> <p><strong>Amp</strong> The spell's duration becomes 1 minute.</p> <p>deeper: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.X4T5RlQBrdpmA35n]{Entropic Wheel}</p> <p><strong>Amp</strong> You gain two motes instead of one when you Cast the Spell and each time the wheel gains another mote.</p> <p>deepest: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.bZMwSGc9t5K7uxZV]{Redistribute Potential}</p> <p><strong>Amp</strong> You can affect the flow of energy on a much grander scale. Instead of two 5-foot squares, you create two @Template[type:burst|distance:10]{10 foot bursts}. They still must be adjacent to one another and can overlap. A creature in both areas can still be affected by only one of your choice. The spell's damage increases to 6d6. The conditions last for 1 minute.</p> <p><strong>Amp Heightened (+1)</strong> Increase the damage by 2d6 instead of 1d4.</p> <h3><strong>Conservation of Energy</strong></h3> <p>Energy can't be created or destroyed, only transferred or changed. Whenever you use your magic to add or remove energy, you must then balance it with the opposing force. The first time in an encounter that you cast a granted spell or standard psi cantrip from your conscious mind, decide whether you're adding energy or removing it. Once you add energy, you must remove energy the next time you cast one of these spells. When you Refocus, you restore yourself to a neutral state, allowing you to once again freely choose whether you add or remove energy on your next spell.</p> <p><strong>Adding Energy:</strong> The ability gains the fire trait, any damage it deals is fire damage, and any resistance it grants is to cold damage. It loses any traits matching damage types it no longer deals.</p> <p><strong>Removing Energy:</strong> The ability gains the cold trait, any damage it deals is cold damage, and any resistance it grants is to fire damage. It loses any traits matching damage types it no longer deals. <em>Fiery body</em> grants <em>ray of frost</em> instead of <em>produce flame</em> when cast this way.</p> <p><strong>Mindshift:</strong> When you use an action that has the mindshift trait, you can choose to add or remove energy to it instead of making it mental. Alter it as normal for adding or removing energy and change any save it requires to a Reflex save.</p>
<hr /> <p><strong>授予法术</strong></p> <ul> <li>1环: <li>2环: <li>3环: <li>4环: <li>5环: <li>6环: <li>7环: <li>8环: <li>9环: </ul> <p><strong>标准心能戏法</strong></p> <ul> <li>@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.6DfLZBl8wKIV03Iq]{引火术 Ignition}</li> <li>@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.IxhGEKl63R4QBvkj]{冻伤术 Frostbite}</li> </ul> <p><strong>独特心能戏法</strong></p> <ul> <li>表层: <li>深层: <li>至深: </ul> <hr /> <h3><strong>能量守恒 Conservation of Energy</strong></h3> <p>能量不能被创造或破坏,只能被转移或改变。每当你用魔法来增加或移除能量时,你必须用相反的力量来平衡它。一次遭遇中,当你第一次施展该意识授予的法术或标准心能戏法时,你必须决定你是在增加能量还是移除能量。一旦你增加了能量,在你下次施展这些法术时,你必须移除能量。当再聚能时,你会恢复到中性状态,允许你再次自由选择在下次施法时增加或移除能量。</p> <p><strong>增加能量:</strong> 该能力获得火焰特性,它造成的任何伤害都是火焰伤害,它给予的任何抗性都是寒冷伤害抗性。它失去了与它不再造成的伤害类型相匹配的任何特性。</p> <p><strong>移除能量:</strong> 该能力获得寒冷特性,它造成的任何伤害都是寒冷伤害,而它给予的任何抗性都是火焰伤害抗性。它失去了任何与它不再造成的伤害类型相匹配的特性。当以这种方式施放时,<em>火热之躯 Fiery body</em>会让你使用<em>寒冷射线 Ray of frost</em>而非<em>燃火术 Produce flame</em>。</p> <p><strong>心象转移:</strong> 当你使用一个具有心象转移特性的动作时,你可以选择增加或移除能量,而不使用其心灵特性。在添加或移除能量的过程中,你可以像平常一样改变它,并将它需要的豁免改为反射豁免。</p> |
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<p>At the heart of all things is energy. Though it may change its form or resting place, it is eternal, fundamental, the purest of building blocks. Your powers let you shift energy-either concentrating it in a single point to explosive end or freezing objects by plundering it away-in an endless oscillation of temperature.</p>
<hr /> <p><strong>Granted Spells</strong></p> <ul> <li>1st: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.y6rAdMK6EFlV6U0t]{Breathe Fire}</li> <li>2nd: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.v4KzRPol5XQOOmk0]{Heat Metal}</li> <li>3rd: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.sxQZ6yqTn0czJxVd]{Fireball}</li> <li>4th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.YrzBLPLd3r9m6t1p]{Fire Shield}</li> <li>5th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.3puDanGfpEt6jK5k]{Cone of Cold}</li> <li>6th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.Gn5deIoobHpd3SiR]{Flame Vortex}</li> <li>7th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.XS7Wyh5YC0NWeWyB]{Fiery Body}</li> <li>8th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.BKIet436snMNcnez]{Polar Ray}</li> <li>9th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.jrBa9deU2ULFWvSl]{Falling Stars}</li> </ul> <p><strong>Standard Psi Cantrips</strong></p> <p>@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.6DfLZBl8wKIV03Iq]{Ignition}</p> <p>You can drastically increase the heat against targets at a distance. When using <em>ignition</em> as a ranged attack, increase the range to 60 feet. When using ignition as a melee attack, your reach increases by 5 feet. Your <em>ignition</em> also gains the following amp.</p> <p><strong>Amp</strong> You project pure heat that causes a target to combust. The initial damage changes to 1d10 fire damage plus 1 fire splash damage. When using amped ignition as a melee attack, increase the damage dice of the initial damage from d10s to d12s. You are not harmed by splash damage from amped <em>ignition</em>.</p> <p><strong>Amp Heightened (+1)</strong> Instead of using <em>ignition's</em> normal heightened entry, the initial damage increases by 1d10 (1d12 for melee) and the splash damage increases by 1. The persistent fire damage on a critical hit increases by 1d4.</p> <p>@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.IxhGEKl63R4QBvkj]{Frostbite}</p> <p>You can freeze people from even farther away. The range of your <em>frostbite</em> increases to 120 feet. Your <em>frostbite</em> also gains the following amp.</p> <p><strong>Amp</strong> You drain thermal energy at a distance, using what you plunder to replenish yourself. The orb deals 3d4 cold damage. You gain temporary Hit Points equal to half the damage the target takes (after applying resistances and the like). You lose any remaining temporary Hit Points after 1 minute.</p> <p><strong>Amp Heightened (+1)</strong> The initial damage increases by 2d4 instead of 1d4. The weakness on a critical failure increases by 1.</p> <p><strong>Unique Psi Cantrips</strong></p> <p>surface: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.dhpXpzt7TCm8TbHM]{Thermal Stasis}</p> <p><strong>Amp</strong> The spell's duration becomes 1 minute.</p> <p>deeper: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.X4T5RlQBrdpmA35n]{Entropic Wheel}</p> <p><strong>Amp</strong> You gain two motes instead of one when you Cast the Spell and each time the wheel gains another mote.</p> <p>deepest: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.bZMwSGc9t5K7uxZV]{Redistribute Potential}</p> <p><strong>Amp</strong> You can affect the flow of energy on a much grander scale. Instead of two 5-foot squares, you create two @Template[type:burst|distance:10]{10 foot bursts}. They still must be adjacent to one another and can overlap. A creature in both areas can still be affected by only one of your choice. The spell's damage increases to 6d6. The conditions last for 1 minute.</p> <p><strong>Amp Heightened (+1)</strong> Increase the damage by 2d6 instead of 1d4.</p> <h3><strong>Conservation of Energy</strong></h3> <p>Energy can't be created or destroyed, only transferred or changed. Whenever you use your magic to add or remove energy, you must then balance it with the opposing force. The first time in an encounter that you cast a granted spell or standard psi cantrip from your conscious mind, decide whether you're adding energy or removing it. Once you add energy, you must remove energy the next time you cast one of these spells. When you Refocus, you restore yourself to a neutral state, allowing you to once again freely choose whether you add or remove energy on your next spell.</p> <p><strong>Adding Energy:</strong> The ability gains the fire trait, any damage it deals is fire damage, and any resistance it grants is to cold damage. It loses any traits matching damage types it no longer deals.</p> <p><strong>Removing Energy:</strong> The ability gains the cold trait, any damage it deals is cold damage, and any resistance it grants is to fire damage. It loses any traits matching damage types it no longer deals. <em>Fiery body</em> grants <em>ray of frost</em> instead of <em>produce flame</em> when cast this way.</p> <p><strong>Mindshift:</strong> When you use an action that has the mindshift trait, you can choose to add or remove energy to it instead of making it mental. Alter it as normal for adding or removing energy and change any save it requires to a Reflex save.</p>
<hr /> <p><strong>授予法术</strong></p> <ul> <li>1环: <em>@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.y6rAdMK6EFlV6U0t]{燃烧之息 Breathe Fire}</em></li> <li>2环: <em>@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.v4KzRPol5XQOOmk0]{灼热金属 Heat Metal}</em></li> <li>3环: <em>@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.sxQZ6yqTn0czJxVd]{火球术 Fireball}</em></li> <li>4环: <em>@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.YrzBLPLd3r9m6t1p]{火焰护盾 Fire Shield}</em></li> <li>5环: <em>@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.3puDanGfpEt6jK5k]{寒冰锥 Cone of Cold}</em></li> <li>6环: <em>@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.Gn5deIoobHpd3SiR]{烈焰漩涡 Flame Vortex}</em></li> <li>7环: <em>@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.XS7Wyh5YC0NWeWyB]{火焰之躯 Fiery Body}</em></li> <li>8环: <em>@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.BKIet436snMNcnez]{极冰射线 Polar Ray}</em></li> <li>9环: <em>@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.jrBa9deU2ULFWvSl]{坠星爆 Falling Stars}</em></li> </ul> <p><strong>标准心能戏法</strong></p> <ul> <li>@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.6DfLZBl8wKIV03Iq]{引火术 Ignition}</li> <li>@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.IxhGEKl63R4QBvkj]{冻伤术 Frostbite}</li> </ul> <p><strong>独特心能戏法</strong></p> <ul> <li>表层: <em>@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.dhpXpzt7TCm8TbHM]{热能静滞 Thermal Stasis}</em></li> <li>深层: <em>@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.X4T5RlQBrdpmA35n]{熵之轮转 Entropic Wheel}</em></li> <li>至深: <em>@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.bZMwSGc9t5K7uxZV]{置换潜能 Redistribute Potential}</em></li> </ul> <hr /> <h3><strong>能量守恒 Conservation of Energy</strong></h3> <p>能量不能被创造或破坏,只能被转移或改变。每当你用魔法来增加或移除能量时,你必须用相反的力量来平衡它。一次遭遇中,当你第一次施展该意识授予的法术或标准心能戏法时,你必须决定你是在增加能量还是移除能量。一旦你增加了能量,在你下次施展这些法术时,你必须移除能量。当再聚能时,你会恢复到中性状态,允许你再次自由选择在下次施法时增加或移除能量。</p> <p><strong>增加能量:</strong> 该能力获得火焰特性,它造成的任何伤害都是火焰伤害,它给予的任何抗性都是寒冷伤害抗性。它失去了与它不再造成的伤害类型相匹配的任何特性。</p> <p><strong>移除能量:</strong> 该能力获得寒冷特性,它造成的任何伤害都是寒冷伤害,而它给予的任何抗性都是火焰伤害抗性。它失去了任何与它不再造成的伤害类型相匹配的特性。当以这种方式施放时,<em>火热之躯 Fiery body</em>会让你使用<em>寒冷射线 Ray of frost</em>而非<em>燃火术 Produce flame</em>。</p> <p><strong>心象转移:</strong> 当你使用一个具有心象转移特性的动作时,你可以选择增加或移除能量,而不使用其心灵特性。在添加或移除能量的过程中,你可以像平常一样改变它,并将它需要的豁免改为反射豁免。</p> |
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<p>At the heart of all things is energy. Though it may change its form or resting place, it is eternal, fundamental, the purest of building blocks. Your powers let you shift energy-either concentrating it in a single point to explosive end or freezing objects by plundering it away-in an endless oscillation of temperature.</p>
<hr /> <p><strong>Granted Spells</strong></p> <ul> <li>1st: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.y6rAdMK6EFlV6U0t]{Breathe Fire}</li> <li>2nd: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.v4KzRPol5XQOOmk0]{Heat Metal}</li> <li>3rd: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.sxQZ6yqTn0czJxVd]{Fireball}</li> <li>4th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.YrzBLPLd3r9m6t1p]{Fire Shield}</li> <li>5th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.3puDanGfpEt6jK5k]{Cone of Cold}</li> <li>6th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.Gn5deIoobHpd3SiR]{Flame Vortex}</li> <li>7th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.XS7Wyh5YC0NWeWyB]{Fiery Body}</li> <li>8th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.BKIet436snMNcnez]{Polar Ray}</li> <li>9th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.jrBa9deU2ULFWvSl]{Falling Stars}</li> </ul> <p><strong>Standard Psi Cantrips</strong></p> < <li <li>@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.IxhGEKl63R4QBvkj]{Frostbite}</li> </ul <p>You can drastically increase the heat against targets at a distance. When using <em>ignition</em> as a ranged attack, increase the range to 60 feet. When using ignition as a melee attack, your reach increases by 5 feet. Your <em>ignition</em> also gains the following amp.</p> <p><strong>Amp</strong> You project pure heat that causes a target to combust. The initial damage changes to 1d10 fire damage plus 1 fire splash damage. When using amped ignition as a melee attack, increase the damage dice of the initial damage from d10s to d12s. You are not harmed by splash damage from amped <em>ignition</em>.</p> <p><strong>Amp Heightened (+1)</strong> Instead of using <em>ignition's</em> normal heightened entry, the initial damage increases by 1d10 (1d12 for melee) and the splash damage increases by 1. The persistent fire damage on a critical hit increases by 1d4.</p> <p>@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.IxhGEKl63R4QBvkj]{Frostbite}</p> <p>You can freeze people from even farther away. The range of your <em>frostbite</em> increases to 120 feet. Your <em>frostbite</em> also gains the following amp.</p> <p><strong>Amp</strong> You drain thermal energy at a distance, using what you plunder to replenish yourself. The orb deals 3d4 cold damage. You gain temporary Hit Points equal to half the damage the target takes (after applying resistances and the like). You lose any remaining temporary Hit Points after 1 minute.</p> <p><strong>Amp Heightened (+1)</strong> The initial damage increases by 2d4 instead of 1d4. The weakness on a critical failure increases by 1.</p> <p><strong>Unique Psi Cantrips</strong></p> < <li <li <p><strong>Amp</strong> The spell's duration becomes 1 minute.</p> <p>deeper: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.X4T5RlQBrdpmA35n]{Entropic Wheel}</ <li <p><strong>Amp</strong> You gain two motes instead of one when you Cast the Spell and each time the wheel gains another mote.</p> <p>deepest: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.bZMwSGc9t5K7uxZV]{Redistribute Potential}</ </ul> <hr / <p><strong>Amp</strong> You can affect the flow of energy on a much grander scale. Instead of two 5-foot squares, you create two @Template[type:burst|distance:10]{10 foot bursts}. They still must be adjacent to one another and can overlap. A creature in both areas can still be affected by only one of your choice. The spell's damage increases to 6d6. The conditions last for 1 minute.</p> <p><strong>Amp Heightened (+1)</strong> Increase the damage by 2d6 instead of 1d4.</p> <h3><strong>Conservation of Energy</strong></h3> <p>Energy can't be created or destroyed, only transferred or changed. Whenever you use your magic to add or remove energy, you must then balance it with the opposing force. The first time in an encounter that you cast a granted spell or standard psi cantrip from your conscious mind, decide whether you're adding energy or removing it. Once you add energy, you must remove energy the next time you cast one of these spells. When you Refocus, you restore yourself to a neutral state, allowing you to once again freely choose whether you add or remove energy on your next spell.</p> <p><strong>Adding Energy:</strong> The ability gains the fire trait, any damage it deals is fire damage, and any resistance it grants is to cold damage. It loses any traits matching damage types it no longer deals.</p> <p><strong>Removing Energy:</strong> The ability gains the cold trait, any damage it deals is cold damage, and any resistance it grants is to fire damage. It loses any traits matching damage types it no longer deals. <em>Fiery body</em> grants <em>ray of frost</em> instead of <em>produce flame</em> when cast this way.</p> <p><strong>Mindshift:</strong> When you use an action that has the mindshift trait, you can choose to add or remove energy to it instead of making it mental. Alter it as normal for adding or removing energy and change any save it requires to a Reflex save.</p> |
<hr />
<p><strong>Granted Spells</strong></p>
<li>1st: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.y6rAdMK6EFlV6U0t]{Breathe Fire}</li>
<li>2nd: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.v4KzRPol5XQOOmk0]{Heat Metal}</li>
<li>3rd: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.sxQZ6yqTn0czJxVd]{Fireball}</li>
<li>4th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.YrzBLPLd3r9m6t1p]{Fire Shield}</li>
<li>5th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.3puDanGfpEt6jK5k]{Cone of Cold}</li>
<li>6th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.Gn5deIoobHpd3SiR]{Flame Vortex}</li>
<li>7th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.XS7Wyh5YC0NWeWyB]{Fiery Body}</li>
<li>8th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.BKIet436snMNcnez]{Polar Ray}</li>
<li>9th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.jrBa9deU2ULFWvSl]{Falling Stars}</li>
<p><strong>Standard Psi Cantrips</strong></p>
<p>You can drastically increase the heat against targets at a distance. When using <em>ignition</em> as a ranged attack, increase the range to 60 feet. When using ignition as a melee attack, your reach increases by 5 feet. Your <em>ignition</em> also gains the following amp.</p>
<p><strong>Amp</strong> You project pure heat that causes a target to combust. The initial damage changes to 1d10 fire damage plus 1 fire splash damage. When using amped ignition as a melee attack, increase the damage dice of the initial damage from d10s to d12s. You are not harmed by splash damage from amped <em>ignition</em>.</p>
<p><strong>Amp Heightened (+1)</strong> Instead of using <em>ignition's</em> normal heightened entry, the initial damage increases by 1d10 (1d12 for melee) and the splash damage increases by 1. The persistent fire damage on a critical hit increases by 1d4.</p>
<p>You can freeze people from even farther away. The range of your <em>frostbite</em> increases to 120 feet. Your <em>frostbite</em> also gains the following amp.</p>
<p><strong>Amp</strong> You drain thermal energy at a distance, using what you plunder to replenish yourself. The orb deals 3d4 cold damage. You gain temporary Hit Points equal to half the damage the target takes (after applying resistances and the like). You lose any remaining temporary Hit Points after 1 minute.</p>
<p><strong>Amp Heightened (+1)</strong> The initial damage increases by 2d4 instead of 1d4. The weakness on a critical failure increases by 1.</p>
<p><strong>Unique Psi Cantrips</strong></p>
<p>surface: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.dhpXpzt7TCm8TbHM]{Thermal Stasis}</p>
<p><strong>Amp</strong> The spell's duration becomes 1 minute.</p>
<p>deeper: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.X4T5RlQBrdpmA35n]{Entropic Wheel}</p>
<p><strong>Amp</strong> You gain two motes instead of one when you Cast the Spell and each time the wheel gains another mote.</p>
<p>deepest: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.bZMwSGc9t5K7uxZV]{Redistribute Potential}</p>
<p><strong>Amp</strong> You can affect the flow of energy on a much grander scale. Instead of two 5-foot squares, you create two @Template[burst|distance:10]{10 foot bursts}. They still must be adjacent to one another and can overlap. A creature in both areas can still be affected by only one of your choice. The spell's damage increases to 6d6. The conditions last for 1 minute.</p>
<p><strong>Amp Heightened (+1)</strong> Increase the damage by 2d6 instead of 1d4.</p>
<h3><strong>Conservation of Energy</strong></h3>
<p>Energy can't be created or destroyed, only transferred or changed. Whenever you use your magic to add or remove energy, you must then balance it with the opposing force. The first time in an encounter that you cast a granted spell or standard psi cantrip from your conscious mind, decide whether you're adding energy or removing it. Once you add energy, you must remove energy the next time you cast one of these spells. When you Refocus, you restore yourself to a neutral state, allowing you to once again freely choose whether you add or remove energy on your next spell.</p>
<p><strong>Adding Energy:</strong> The ability gains the fire trait, any damage it deals is fire damage, and any resistance it grants is to cold damage. It loses any traits matching damage types it no longer deals.</p>
<p><strong>Removing Energy:</strong> The ability gains the cold trait, any damage it deals is cold damage, and any resistance it grants is to fire damage. It loses any traits matching damage types it no longer deals. <em>Fiery body</em> grants <em>ray of frost</em> instead of <em>produce flame</em> when cast this way.</p>
<p><strong>Mindshift:</strong> When you use an action that has the mindshift trait, you can choose to add or remove energy to it instead of making it mental. Alter it as normal for adding or removing energy and change any save it requires to a Reflex save.</p>
<hr />
<li>1环: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.y6rAdMK6EFlV6U0t]{燃烧之息 Breathe Fire}</li>
<li>2环: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.v4KzRPol5XQOOmk0]{灼热金属 Heat Metal}</li>
<li>3环: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.sxQZ6yqTn0czJxVd]{火球术 Fireball}</li>
<li>4环: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.YrzBLPLd3r9m6t1p]{火焰护盾 Fire Shield}</li>
<li>5环: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.3puDanGfpEt6jK5k]{寒冰锥 Cone of Cold}</li>
<li>6环: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.Gn5deIoobHpd3SiR]{烈焰漩涡 Flame Vortex}</li>
<li>7环: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.XS7Wyh5YC0NWeWyB]{火焰之躯 Fiery Body}</li>
<li>8环: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.BKIet436snMNcnez]{极冰射线 Polar Ray}</li>
<li>9环: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.jrBa9deU2ULFWvSl]{坠星爆 Falling Stars}</li>
<li>@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.6DfLZBl8wKIV03Iq]{引火术 Ignition}</li>
<li>@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.IxhGEKl63R4QBvkj]{冻伤术 Frostbite}</li>
<li>表层: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.dhpXpzt7TCm8TbHM]{热能静滞 Thermal Stasis}</li>
<li>深层: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.X4T5RlQBrdpmA35n]{熵之轮转 Entropic Wheel}</li>
<li>至深: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.bZMwSGc9t5K7uxZV]{置换潜能 Redistribute Potential}</li>
<hr />
<h3><strong>能量守恒 Conservation of Energy</strong></h3>
<p><strong>增加能量:</strong> 该能力获得火焰特性,它造成的任何伤害都是火焰伤害,它给予的任何抗性都是寒冷伤害抗性。它失去了与它不再造成的伤害类型相匹配的任何特性。</p>
<p><strong>移除能量:</strong> 该能力获得寒冷特性,它造成的任何伤害都是寒冷伤害,而它给予的任何抗性都是火焰伤害抗性。它失去了任何与它不再造成的伤害类型相匹配的特性。当以这种方式施放时,<em>火热之躯 Fiery body</em>会让你使用<em>寒冷射线 Ray of frost</em>而非<em>燃火术 Produce flame</em>。</p>
<p><strong>心象转移:</strong> 当你使用一个具有心象转移特性的动作时,你可以选择增加或移除能量,而不使用其心灵特性。在添加或移除能量的过程中,你可以像平常一样改变它,并将它需要的豁免改为反射豁免。</p>