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<section class="npc"><figure><h2>A Local Legend</h2><p class="stats">When the fog is creeping,<br />And the moon is low;<br />When the town is sleeping,<br />Gauntlight starts to glow!</p><p class="stats">That's when she arises<br />For her midnight lunch.<br />Naughty kids are prizes<br />For her teeth to crunch.</p><p class="stats">But if you obey me,<br />And obey the rules;<br />You're safe from Belcorra;<br />She just eats the fools!</p></figure><figure class="flipx"><img src="modules/pf2e-abomination-vaults/assets/bestiary-portraits/ch-10/belcorra-haruvex-half.webp" width="420" /></figure></section><p>So warns a popular nursery rhyme among the parents in the town of @UUID[JournalEntry.YbOS6pQRxoWI0Q56.JournalEntryPage.7WZr8QhFOSrHPTgU]{Otari}, as they often sing the melodious but unsettling poem to their children at night to encourage good behavior. As a result, everyone who grows up in Otari has a healthy mix of fear, respect, and curiosity for the old ruins out in Fogfen and the strange lighthouse that stands at the swamp's heart. As they grow older, townsfolk learn what's more often accepted as truth: that the heroic founders of Otari had slain the wicked sorcerer Belcorra many years ago. For a time, thrill-seekers explored the ruins around the lighthouse called <em>Gauntlight</em>, but today, common knowledge holds that the place has become a haven for pests—no longer a source of active danger or significant treasure after being completely picked over. Nearly 500 years has passed since Belcorra's defeat after all, and in that time, she has only posed a menace to Otari through sinister rhymes.</p><p>Or so the citizens of Otari believe.</p><p>While many old legends about Belcorra are true (she did practice cannibalism, for example, but didn't limit her diet to foolish children), the belief that she's no longer a danger is false. Two years ago, on the 500th anniversary of the most significant event of her life- her family's exile from Absalom for abhorrent rites- Belcorra's spiteful ghost awoke deep beneath Gauntlight Keep. The lighthouse and surrounding ruins presented only the highest level of a vast complex Belcorra had stocked with malicious and malignant creatures: her Abomination Vaults. Belcorra's spite has festered in the intervening centuries, and she hungers for revenge, not only against Absalom for destroying her family, but also the town of Otari and its founders- the heroes who killed her. Belcorra bides her time while she rebuilds, reenergizing the dread Gauntlight and reasserting her dominance over the feral and forgotten monsters of the Abomination Vaults!</p><h2>Belcorra's History</h2><p>The ghost sorcerer Belcorra Haruvex is the primary villain of the Abomination Vaults Adventure Path. The story behind her spiteful rage is one of exile and loss.</p><p>The Haruvex family tree both sprawls and surges with sorcery. The family's strongest bloodlines have an aberrant strain, which provides family prestige as well as sorcerous power. Generations of Haruvexes married within the family to strengthen this lineage, and the most powerful Haruvexes lived in Absalom 500 years ago. These Absalom Haruvexes made secret obeisance to the Outer Gods for great wealth and greater power. But none in the family approached the power of their youngest scion, Belcorra Haruvex. Belcorra had been told, every day for as long as she could remember, that she was the harbinger of Nhimbaloth, the Empty Death, and that she was her family's greatest hope for power and prosperity.</p><p>The Haruvexes enacted abhorrent rites in their worship, including bloody sacrifices, and the authorities eventually caught wind of their crimes. The Haruvexes were finally driven from the Isle of Kortos in 4219 ar, forced to leave their estates and luxuries behind. Belcorra was only 6 years old at the time, but as she grew, her rage at losing her home solidified into an overwhelming hatred of Absalom and everyone in it.</p><p>Most of the exiled Haruvexes died in poverty, but Belcorra grew strong and proud. At 17, she interpreted visions from Nhimbaloth that led her back to the Isle of Kortos to plan her revenge. Far above a subterranean shrine to Nhimbaloth called the Empty Vault, in a lonely stretch of wooded coast a few dozen miles from Absalom, Belcorra erected a magical lighthouse and called it @UUID[JournalEntry.YbOS6pQRxoWI0Q56.JournalEntryPage.efRUYLBH9Kf3CLkX]{Gauntlight}. She dug deep beneath it to reach the shrine she had seen in her visions, and while she worked, she began to plan her revenge. She would draw subterranean monsters and violent beasts into her secret dungeons- which she called the Abomination Vaults- and use <em>Gauntlight</em>'s magic to send them into Absalom to wreak havoc. She enacted the first part of her plan, expanding the Abomination Vaults and raising a defensible keep around the lighthouse. She leveraged family acquaintances to acquire powerful retainers and champions to lead her monstrous forces.</p><p>Belcorra was still stocking her Abomination Vaults with aberrations when rumors of her villainy reached Absalom. The @UUID[.Gx2mnbeUctXU7XUN]{Roseguard}, a group of heroes headquartered in Absalom, set out from the city to confront and vanquish her. The Roseguard faced Belcorra within Gauntlight Keep and killed her there. One of the four members of the Roseguard, a rogue named Otari Ilvashti, died in this fight. Grieving their lost friend, the Roseguard left, sealed up the keep, founded what would become the town of Otari, and retired there. They never knew of the keep’s lower levels or the many creatures still remaining within them.</p><h2>Spiteful Master of the Abomination Vaults</h2><p>Belcorra’s spirit didn’t rest peacefully. Consumed by rage and empowered by Nhimbaloth, she arose as a powerful ghost 500 years after her family’s exile from Absalom, the event that so dramatically altered her life. Belcorra now lurks in the deepest levels of the Abomination Vaults, plotting her revenge against Absalom and the heroes who vanquished her. The Roseguard are long dead, but the town they founded remains, and the icons representing their adventuring careers now have the power to penetrate Belcorra’s protections.</p><p>At first, no one in Otari realizes the danger Belcorra poses. Her machinations and her monsters are well out of sight. But before she moves against Absalom, she intends to use her <em>Gauntlight</em> against Otari—the town built by the adventurers who killed her five centuries before. Only Otari’s newest heroes can prevent Belcorra’s vengeance and put her spirit to rest.</p>
<section class="npc"><figure><h2>本土传说</h2><p class="stats">雾迷茫,<br />彷徨月下灯塔亮。<br />灯塔亮,<br />沉眠小镇,<br />凄凉光芒。<br />谁家孩童四处藏,<br />亡灵魔女找得忙。<br />找得忙,<br />不快藏好,<br />就成口粮。</figure><figure class="flipx"><img src="modules/pf2e-abomination-vaults/assets/bestiary-portraits/ch-10/belcorra-haruvex-half.webp" width="420" /></figure></section><p>在@UUID[JournalEntry.YbOS6pQRxoWI0Q56.JournalEntryPage.7WZr8QhFOSrHPTgU],父母常常在晚上给孩子唱一首悠扬但令人不安的童谣,让孩子乖乖听话。因此,每个奥塔里长大的人都对雾隐沼泽(Fogfen)的老废墟以及沼泽中央矗立的灯塔心怀畏惧、尊重和好奇。随着年龄的增长,镇民都会了解到一个通常被认为是真理的事实:邪恶的死灵法师贝科拉(Belcorra)在很多年以前就已经被建立奥塔里小镇的英雄们杀死。曾有一段时间,寻求刺激的人们探索完了 <em>凄凉灯塔(Gauntlight)</em>周围的遗迹,但是目前,人们通常认为这个地方已经成为了害虫们的天堂——经过完全地探索之后,那里不再对小镇有什么威胁,也没剩下什么值钱的宝藏。毕竟,距离贝科拉被击败已经过去了五百年了,在这段时间里,她对小镇的唯一威胁只有那首邪恶的童谣。</p><p>至少,奥塔里的居民们是这么认为的。</p><p>虽然很多关于贝科拉的古老传说都是真的(例如她确实吃人,但不局限于愚蠢的孩子),但认为她不再构成威胁的想法是错的。就在两年前,在她一生中的最重要事件——她的家族因为举行禁忌的仪式因而被艾巴萨罗姆(Absalom)流放五百周年的纪念日上,贝科拉那怨毒的幽灵在凄凉灯塔要塞(Gauntlight Keep)苏醒了。灯塔和周围的废墟只是贝科拉那塞满恶毒怪物的庞大地下城,也就是“憎恨魔窟(Abomination Vaults)”的最上层而已。几个世纪以来,贝科拉的怨恨与日俱增,她渴望复仇,不仅要报复毁了她家族的艾巴萨罗姆,也要报复奥塔里小镇和他们的创建者——那些杀死她的英雄们。贝科拉在等待着机会,重新激活恐怖的凄凉灯塔,并重新获得对憎恨魔窟下层那些野蛮但被遗忘的怪物们的统治权!</p><h2>贝科拉的历史</h2><p>幽灵术士贝科拉·哈鲁维克斯(Belcorra Haruvex)是《憎恨魔窟》冒险之路的主要反派。在她的满腔怒火背后,是一个关于流放和失落的故事。</p><p>哈鲁维克斯的族谱因魔法而壮大。这个家族最强大的血脉中有异怪之力,它为家族带来了源源不断的声望和魔法力量。哈鲁维克斯家族成员代代都选择在家族内部通婚,以保持家族血脉的纯净。500 年前,哈鲁维克斯家族中最强大的成员就定居在艾巴萨罗姆(Absalom)。这些艾巴萨罗姆的哈鲁维克斯们为了获得财富和权力而秘密地崇拜着外神(Outer Gods)。但是在整个家族中,没有谁能和最年轻的后裔贝科拉·哈鲁维克斯相提并论。自从贝科拉记事以来,每天都有人告诉她,她是宁布洛斯(Nhimbaloth)的先驱者,所谓的“空死之眼(Eyes of Empty Death)”,她是家族获得权力和繁荣的最大希望。</p><p>哈鲁维克斯家族在崇拜外神的过程中执行了一系列可怕的仪式,包括血腥的祭祀,这使得当局最终发现了他们的罪行。哈鲁维克斯家族最终在 AR 4219 年被赶出寇托斯岛,被迫丢下他们的豪宅和满屋的奢侈品。贝科拉当时只有 6 岁,但随着她的不断长大,失去家的愤怒逐渐变成了对艾巴萨罗姆和所有人的强烈仇恨。大多数被流放的哈鲁维克斯家族成员都死于贫困,但贝科拉却逐渐变得强大而自傲。17 岁时,她解读了来自宁布洛斯的幻象,这让她回到寇托斯岛去执行她的复仇计划。在离艾巴萨罗姆几十英里远、树木繁茂、人烟稀少的海岸地下,埋藏着一座属于宁布洛斯的的地下神殿,叫做“空无之窟(EmptyVault)”, 贝科拉在其上方建造了一座魔法灯塔,命名为“凄凉灯塔(Gauntlight)”。她一边向下深挖一边寻找那座在幻象中看到的神殿,并且在她进行这项工作的同时,开始策划复仇大计。她计划把地底的怪物和凶猛的野兽吸引到她的秘密地下城——她称之为憎恨魔窟(Abomination Vaults)——然后利用凄凉灯塔的魔法把它们传送到艾巴萨罗姆进行大肆破坏。她实施了计划的第一部分,扩建了憎恨魔窟的规模,并在灯塔周围建起了一个防御性的堡垒。她利用家族的残留的人脉来笼络强大的侍从和支持者,让他们来领导她那支怪物大军。</p><p>当有关她恶行的谣言传到艾巴萨罗姆的时候,贝科拉还在她的憎恨魔窟里组建异怪大军。玫瑰团(Roseguard),一支从艾巴萨罗姆城出发的英雄队伍,试图挑战并击败他。玫瑰团在凄凉灯塔要塞中直面对贝科拉,在那里杀死了她。玫瑰团的四名成员之一,名叫奥塔里·伊瓦什提(Otari Ilvashti)的盗贼,在这场战斗中牺牲了。玫瑰团的其他成员因为队友的牺牲而感到悲痛,他们离开前封闭了要塞,并在附近建立了日后的奥塔里小镇,并在那里归隐田园。他们不知道要塞下面有一个巨大的魔窟,也不知道里面还居住着大量的怪物。</p><h2>憎恨魔窟的恨意之主</h2><p>贝科拉的灵魂并未安息。在她的家人被艾巴萨罗姆被流放这一戏剧性的改变了她人生的重大事件的 500 周年纪念日上,借由满腔的怒火和宁布洛斯赐予的力量,贝科拉复活成了一个强大的幽灵。她潜伏在憎恨魔窟的最深处,谋划着对艾巴萨罗姆和当初击败她的英雄进行复仇。玫瑰团成员们早已故去,但他们建立的小镇依然存在,代表他们冒险生涯的标志现在依然能够穿透贝科拉的守护力量。</p><p>一开始,奥塔里没人意识到贝科拉的威胁。她的阴谋和她的怪物大军早已消失无踪。但在对付艾巴萨罗姆之前,她打算先用<em>凄凉灯塔(Gauntlight)</em>对付奥塔里——这个在五个世纪前由一伙杀死他的冒险者所建立的小镇。只有奥塔里的新英雄才能阻止贝科拉的复仇,让她的灵魂真正地安息。</p>
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<section class="npc"><figure><h2>A Local Legend</h2><p class="stats">When the fog is creeping,<br />And the moon is low;<br />When the town is sleeping,<br />Gauntlight starts to glow!</p><p class="stats">That's when she arises<br />For her midnight lunch.<br />Naughty kids are prizes<br />For her teeth to crunch.</p><p class="stats">But if you obey me,<br />And obey the rules;<br />You're safe from Belcorra;<br />She just eats the fools!</p></figure><figure class="flipx"><img src="modules/pf2e-abomination-vaults/assets/bestiary-portraits/ch-10/belcorra-haruvex-half.webp" width="420" /></figure></section><p>So warns a popular nursery rhyme among the parents in the town of @UUID[JournalEntry.YbOS6pQRxoWI0Q56.JournalEntryPage.7WZr8QhFOSrHPTgU]{Otari}, as they often sing the melodious but unsettling poem to their children at night to encourage good behavior. As a result, everyone who grows up in Otari has a healthy mix of fear, respect, and curiosity for the old ruins out in Fogfen and the strange lighthouse that stands at the swamp's heart. As they grow older, townsfolk learn what's more often accepted as truth: that the heroic founders of Otari had slain the wicked sorcerer Belcorra many years ago. For a time, thrill-seekers explored the ruins around the lighthouse called <em>Gauntlight</em>, but today, common knowledge holds that the place has become a haven for pests—no longer a source of active danger or significant treasure after being completely picked over. Nearly 500 years has passed since Belcorra's defeat after all, and in that time, she has only posed a menace to Otari through sinister rhymes.</p><p>Or so the citizens of Otari believe.</p><p>While many old legends about Belcorra are true (she did practice cannibalism, for example, but didn't limit her diet to foolish children), the belief that she's no longer a danger is false. Two years ago, on the 500th anniversary of the most significant event of her life- her family's exile from Absalom for abhorrent rites- Belcorra's spiteful ghost awoke deep beneath Gauntlight Keep. The lighthouse and surrounding ruins presented only the highest level of a vast complex Belcorra had stocked with malicious and malignant creatures: her Abomination Vaults. Belcorra's spite has festered in the intervening centuries, and she hungers for revenge, not only against Absalom for destroying her family, but also the town of Otari and its founders- the heroes who killed her. Belcorra bides her time while she rebuilds, reenergizing the dread Gauntlight and reasserting her dominance over the feral and forgotten monsters of the Abomination Vaults!</p><h2>Belcorra's History</h2><p>The ghost sorcerer Belcorra Haruvex is the primary villain of the Abomination Vaults Adventure Path. The story behind her spiteful rage is one of exile and loss.</p><p>The Haruvex family tree both sprawls and surges with sorcery. The family's strongest bloodlines have an aberrant strain, which provides family prestige as well as sorcerous power. Generations of Haruvexes married within the family to strengthen this lineage, and the most powerful Haruvexes lived in Absalom 500 years ago. These Absalom Haruvexes made secret obeisance to the Outer Gods for great wealth and greater power. But none in the family approached the power of their youngest scion, Belcorra Haruvex. Belcorra had been told, every day for as long as she could remember, that she was the harbinger of Nhimbaloth, the Empty Death, and that she was her family's greatest hope for power and prosperity.</p><p>The Haruvexes enacted abhorrent rites in their worship, including bloody sacrifices, and the authorities eventually caught wind of their crimes. The Haruvexes were finally driven from the Isle of Kortos in 4219 ar, forced to leave their estates and luxuries behind. Belcorra was only 6 years old at the time, but as she grew, her rage at losing her home solidified into an overwhelming hatred of Absalom and everyone in it.</p><p>Most of the exiled Haruvexes died in poverty, but Belcorra grew strong and proud. At 17, she interpreted visions from Nhimbaloth that led her back to the Isle of Kortos to plan her revenge. Far above a subterranean shrine to Nhimbaloth called the Empty Vault, in a lonely stretch of wooded coast a few dozen miles from Absalom, Belcorra erected a magical lighthouse and called it @UUID[JournalEntry.YbOS6pQRxoWI0Q56.JournalEntryPage.efRUYLBH9Kf3CLkX]{Gauntlight}. She dug deep beneath it to reach the shrine she had seen in her visions, and while she worked, she began to plan her revenge. She would draw subterranean monsters and violent beasts into her secret dungeons- which she called the Abomination Vaults- and use <em>Gauntlight</em>'s magic to send them into Absalom to wreak havoc. She enacted the first part of her plan, expanding the Abomination Vaults and raising a defensible keep around the lighthouse. She leveraged family acquaintances to acquire powerful retainers and champions to lead her monstrous forces.</p><p>Belcorra was still stocking her Abomination Vaults with aberrations when rumors of her villainy reached Absalom. The @UUID[.Gx2mnbeUctXU7XUN]{Roseguard}, a group of heroes headquartered in Absalom, set out from the city to confront and vanquish her. The Roseguard faced Belcorra within Gauntlight Keep and killed her there. One of the four members of the Roseguard, a rogue named Otari Ilvashti, died in this fight. Grieving their lost friend, the Roseguard left, sealed up the keep, founded what would become the town of Otari, and retired there. They never knew of the keep’s lower levels or the many creatures still remaining within them.</p><h2>Spiteful Master of the Abomination Vaults</h2><p>Belcorra’s spirit didn’t rest peacefully. Consumed by rage and empowered by Nhimbaloth, she arose as a powerful ghost 500 years after her family’s exile from Absalom, the event that so dramatically altered her life. Belcorra now lurks in the deepest levels of the Abomination Vaults, plotting her revenge against Absalom and the heroes who vanquished her. The Roseguard are long dead, but the town they founded remains, and the icons representing their adventuring careers now have the power to penetrate Belcorra’s protections.</p><p>At first, no one in Otari realizes the danger Belcorra poses. Her machinations and her monsters are well out of sight. But before she moves against Absalom, she intends to use her <em>Gauntlight</em> against Otari—the town built by the adventurers who killed her five centuries before. Only Otari’s newest heroes can prevent Belcorra’s vengeance and put her spirit to rest.</p>
<em>凄凉灯塔(Gauntlight)</em>周围的遗迹,但是目前,人们通常认为这个地方已经成为了害虫们的天堂——经过完全地探索之后,那里不再对小镇有什么威胁,也没剩下什么值钱的宝藏。毕竟,距离贝科拉被击败已经过去了五百年了,在这段时间里,她对小镇的唯一威胁只有那首邪恶的童谣。</p><p>至少,奥塔里的居民们是这么认为的。</p><p>虽然很多关于贝科拉的古老传说都是真的(例如她确实吃人,但不局限于愚蠢的孩子),但认为她不再构成威胁的想法是错的。就在两年前,在她一生中的最重要事件——她的家族因为举行禁忌的仪式因而被艾巴萨罗姆(Absalom)流放五百周年的纪念日上,贝科拉那怨毒的幽灵在凄凉灯塔要塞(Gauntlight Keep)苏醒了。灯塔和周围的废墟只是贝科拉那塞满恶毒怪物的庞大地下城,也就是“憎恨魔窟(Abomination Vaults)”的最上层而已。几个世纪以来,贝科拉的怨恨与日俱增,她渴望复仇,不仅要报复毁了她家族的艾巴萨罗姆,也要报复奥塔里小镇和他们的创建者——那些杀死她的英雄们。贝科拉在等待着机会,重新激活恐怖的凄凉灯塔,并重新获得对憎恨魔窟下层那些野蛮但被遗忘的怪物们的统治权!</p><h2>贝科拉的历史</h2><p>幽灵术士贝科拉·哈鲁维克斯(Belcorra Haruvex)是《憎恨魔窟》冒险之路的主要反派。在她的满腔怒火背后,是一个关于流放和失落的故事。</p><p>哈鲁维克斯的族谱因魔法而壮大。这个家族最强大的血脉中有异怪之力,它为家族带来了源源不断的声望和魔法力量。哈鲁维克斯家族成员代代都选择在家族内部通婚,以保持家族血脉的纯净。500 年前,哈鲁维克斯家族中最强大的成员就定居在艾巴萨罗姆(Absalom)。这些艾巴萨罗姆的哈鲁维克斯们为了获得财富和权力而秘密地崇拜着外神(Outer Gods)。但是在整个家族中,没有谁能和最年轻的后裔贝科拉·哈鲁维克斯相提并论。自从贝科拉记事以来,每天都有人告诉她,她是宁布洛斯(Nhimbaloth)的先驱者,所谓的“空死之眼(Eyes of Empty Death)”,她是家族获得权力和繁荣的最大希望。</p><p>哈鲁维克斯家族在崇拜外神的过程中执行了一系列可怕的仪式,包括血腥的祭祀,这使得当局最终发现了他们的罪行。哈鲁维克斯家族最终在 AR 4219 年被赶出寇托斯岛,被迫丢下他们的豪宅和满屋的奢侈品。贝科拉当时只有 6 岁,但随着她的不断长大,失去家的愤怒逐渐变成了对艾巴萨罗姆和所有人的强烈仇恨。大多数被流放的哈鲁维克斯家族成员都死于贫困,但贝科拉却逐渐变得强大而自傲。17 岁时,她解读了来自宁布洛斯的幻象,这让她回到寇托斯岛去执行她的复仇计划。在离艾巴萨罗姆几十英里远、树木繁茂、人烟稀少的海岸地下,埋藏着一座属于宁布洛斯的的地下神殿,叫做“空无之窟(EmptyVault)”, 贝科拉在其上方建造了一座魔法灯塔,命名为“凄凉灯塔(Gauntlight)”。她一边向下深挖一边寻找那座在幻象中看到的神殿,并且在她进行这项工作的同时,开始策划复仇大计。她计划把地底的怪物和凶猛的野兽吸引到她的秘密地下城——她称之为憎恨魔窟(Abomination Vaults)——然后利用凄凉灯塔的魔法把它们传送到艾巴萨罗姆进行大肆破坏。她实施了计划的第一部分,扩建了憎恨魔窟的规模,并在灯塔周围建起了一个防御性的堡垒。她利用家族的残留的人脉来笼络强大的侍从和支持者,让他们来领导她那支怪物大军。</p><p>当有关她恶行的谣言传到艾巴萨罗姆的时候,贝科拉还在她的憎恨魔窟里组建异怪大军。玫瑰团(Roseguard),一支从艾巴萨罗姆城出发的英雄队伍,试图挑战并击败他。玫瑰团在凄凉灯塔要塞中直面对贝科拉,在那里杀死了她。玫瑰团的四名成员之一,名叫奥塔里·伊瓦什提(Otari Ilvashti)的盗贼,在这场战斗中牺牲了。玫瑰团的其他成员因为队友的牺牲而感到悲痛,他们离开前封闭了要塞,并在附近建立了日后的奥塔里小镇,并在那里归隐田园。他们不知道要塞下面有一个巨大的魔窟,也不知道里面还居住着大量的怪物。</p><h2>憎恨魔窟的恨意之主</h2><p>贝科拉的灵魂并未安息。在她的家人被艾巴萨罗姆被流放这一戏剧性的改变了她人生的重大事件的 500 周年纪念日上,借由满腔的怒火和宁布洛斯赐予的力量,贝科拉复活成了一个强大的幽灵。她潜伏在憎恨魔窟的最深处,谋划着对艾巴萨罗姆和当初击败她的英雄进行复仇。玫瑰团成员们早已故去,但他们建立的小镇依然存在,代表他们冒险生涯的标志现在依然能够穿透贝科拉的守护力量。</p><p>一开始,奥塔里没人意识到贝科拉的威胁。她的阴谋和她的怪物大军早已消失无踪。但在对付艾巴萨罗姆之前,她打算先用<em>凄凉灯塔(Gauntlight)</em>对付奥塔里——这个在五个世纪前由一伙杀死他的冒险者所建立的小镇。只有奥塔里的新英雄才能阻止贝科拉的复仇,让她的灵魂真正地安息。</p>