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<p><em>Gauntlight</em> is hard to miss, as it towers over the ruins of Gauntlight Keep and its base extends down through every level of the Abomination Vaults to the Empty Vault far below. In many ways, this artifact is just as much a key danger of the campaign as the spiteful Belcorra Haruvex herself.</p><section class="location-head"><header><h2>Gauntlight</h2><h2>Item 20</h2></header><article><ul class="traits"><li class="blue">Unique</li><li>Artifact</li><li>Magical</li><li>Necromancy</li></ul></article></section><section class="npc"><article><p><em>Gauntlight</em> is much more than a 115-foot-tall lighthouse rising from the heart of an old ruin in Fogfen—its pale stone walls extend far below the ruins, passing through eight different dungeon levels and finally terminating at the ninth level below the surface, where its deep foundation centers on an ominous chamber where, long ago, Nhimbaloth herself once physically brushed against this world. Once she finished its physical construction, the sorcerer Belcorra Haruvex used this spot as a source of power to infuse the walls, floors, and ceilings of each of <em>Gauntlight</em>’s levels with eldritch power. The lens at the apex of the lighthouse would have, in time, been able to focus this lingering eldritch energy into a powerful beam, but Belcorra’s plans were cut short before she could replace the mundane lenses with dangerous magical ones.</p></article><figure><img src="modules/pf2e-abomination-vaults/assets/journal-images/vignettes/fogfen-1.webp" width="300" /></figure></section><hr /><p>As an artifact, <em>Gauntlight</em> can’t be damaged by normal means. Its walls are impenetrable and impervious to any attempt to breach them by anybody except for followers of Nhimbaloth. They block effects that allow temporary passage, such as passwall, and also create a barrier against dimensional travel. The walls attempt to counteract teleportation effects and planar travel into or out of areas within <em>Gauntlight</em> and efforts to summon creatures into the area (using a +37 counteract modifier); this effect does not stop a summoned creature from departing when the summoning ends. Note that this effect only applies to the areas that are within Gauntlight and its footprint (areas @UUID[JournalEntry.kDJSn9wbVvjnqYEj.JournalEntryPage.JNlpc7pDiBmm5RGj]{A11}, @UUID[JournalEntry.kDJSn9wbVvjnqYEj.JournalEntryPage.6wFkYYY7f8SqcRy8]{A25}, @UUID[JournalEntry.uMZ0RiCcPSqsx1Nm.JournalEntryPage.8pbhSFgv71lvCz9M]{B35}, @UUID[JournalEntry.KeWKr2yd8dbppeS5.JournalEntryPage.eOv6LI3wvIuKyyNJ]{C15}, and so on), and not to the entirety of the Abomination Vaults!</p><p style="font-family:var(--main-font);font-size:var(--body-font-size)"><span style="font-family:var(--main-font)">If Belcorra’s ghost is permanently destroyed, Gauntlight loses all of its magical properties and collapses in on itself all the way down to its base, leaving an incredibly deep pit in the Fogfen.</span></p><hr /><h2 style="font-size:var(--h3-font-size);font-family:var(--h3-font)"><span style="font-family:var(--h3-font)">Activation</span></h2><p>To activate <em>Gauntlight</em>, a creature must be in the deepest portion of the artifact, the Empty Vault on the Temple level (area @UUID[JournalEntry.yn21bNM6kpV4xRol.JournalEntryPage.a9b40LjI7QwLgirk]{J20}). From anywhere within the Empty Vault, a creature can observe the world outside remotely through Gauntlight’s lens in its cuploa, including any area <em>Gauntlight</em>’s beam can reach.</p><h3>Fulcrum Lenses</h3><p>In <em>Gauntlight</em>’s current state of diminished functionality, it can be activated only in the two ways below. By swapping in a series of four magical lighthouse lenses called <em>fulcrum lenses</em> that focus Nhimbaloth’s baleful gaze—lenses so powerful that even Belcorra takes special care with them—the artifact gains significantly greater power, including the ability to reach all the way to Absalom and to activate its effects every minute.</p><section class="compartment"><article class="full"><p><strong>Activate</strong> <span class="pf2-icon">3</span> Interact;</p><p><strong>Frequency</strong> once per month;</p><p><strong>Effect</strong> A pale blue beam shines from <em>Gauntlight</em>’s lens and illuminates a 30-foot-radius burst centered on any point within 1 mile. The light saturates the region, causing any corpses in the area or within 10 feet of the surface of the illuminated area to animate as level –1 undead (typically as skeleton guards or zombie shamblers). Once animated, the undead remain active until slain. Until then, they remain uncontrolled and are driven only by the desire to slaughter the living.</p><p>If <em>Gauntlight</em> is fully restored, the undead instead animate as any Common undead of 15th level or less, as the user wishes.</p></article><article class="full"><p><strong>Activate</strong> <span class="pf2-icon">3</span> Interact;</p><p><strong>Frequency</strong> once per month;</p><p><strong>Effect</strong> A pale blue beam shines from <em>Gauntlight</em>’s lens and illuminates a 30-foot-radius burst centered on any point within 1 mile. The user chooses one creature of 4th level or less that is physically located within <em>Gauntlight</em>; this creature is then is teleported to any point within this illumination radius. This is a teleportation effect.</p><p>If <em>Gauntlight</em> is fully restored, any number of creatures within <em>Gauntlight</em> of 15th level or lower can be transported.</p></article></section>
<p><em>凄凉灯塔(Gauntlight)</em> 很难被忽略,它矗立于凄凉灯塔要塞的废墟之上,并向下延申至憎恨魔窟每一层,直抵下方的空无之窟。从很多方面来说,这件神器和恶毒的贝科拉·哈鲁维克斯Belcorra Haruvex一样都是战役中的主要威胁。</p><section class="location-head"><header><h2>凄凉灯塔(Gauntlight)</h2><h2>物品20</h2></header><article><ul class="traits"><li class="blue">独特</li><li>神器</li><li>魔法</li><li>死灵系</li></ul></article></section><section class="npc"><article><p><em>凄凉灯塔</em> 凄凉灯塔不仅仅是一个矗立在雾隐沼泽的废墟中的 115 尺高的灯塔——它苍白的石墙深深地扎进废墟地下,穿过八层形态各异的地下城,地基的中心在地下第九层,是一个不祥的房间。很久以前,宁布洛斯(Nhimbaloth)就在那里触碰到这个世界。在完成了灯塔的物理构造之后,术士贝科拉·哈鲁维克斯(Belcorra Haruvex)用这个地方作为能量源,将魔力注入到<em>凄凉灯塔</em>每一层的墙壁、地板和天护板上。灯塔顶部的透镜可本可以及时将这种邪恶的能量汇聚成强大的光束射线,但是贝卡拉还没来及用更具威力的魔法透镜替换普通的透镜之前,她的计划就被打断了。</p></article><figure><img src="modules/pf2e-abomination-vaults/assets/journal-images/vignettes/fogfen-1.webp" width="300" /></figure></section><hr /><p>作为一个神器,<em>凄凉灯塔</em>无法以正常的方法破坏。它的外墙天衣无缝,除了宁布洛斯和其追随者,任何其他人都无法打破。它的外墙会阻碍创建临时通道的法术,如穿墙术(passwall),并且能作为屏障阻碍次元旅行(dimensional travel)。墙可以反制进入或离开<em>凄凉灯塔</em>内部区域的具有传送(teleportation)特征的效果和异界旅行(planar travel)、并会阻止将召唤生物至塔内区域的尝试(反制调整值+37);该效果不会阻止被召唤的生物在召唤结束后离去。注意,这些效果只会在凄凉灯塔内部和它本体占用的空间生效(区域 @UUID[JournalEntry.kDJSn9wbVvjnqYEj.JournalEntryPage.JNlpc7pDiBmm5RGj]{A11}, @UUID[JournalEntry.kDJSn9wbVvjnqYEj.JournalEntryPage.6wFkYYY7f8SqcRy8]{A25}, @UUID[JournalEntry.uMZ0RiCcPSqsx1Nm.JournalEntryPage.8pbhSFgv71lvCz9M]{B35}, @UUID[JournalEntry.KeWKr2yd8dbppeS5.JournalEntryPage.eOv6LI3wvIuKyyNJ]{C15},等等),而非整个憎恨魔窟!</p><p style="font-family:var(--main-font);font-size:var(--body-font-size)"><span style="font-family:var(--main-font)">如果贝科拉的幽灵被永久摧毁,凄凉灯塔就会失去所有的魔法特性,并一路崩塌至底部,在雾隐沼泽中留下一个难以置信的大坑。</span></p><hr /><h2 style="font-size:var(--h3-font-size);font-family:var(--h3-font)"><span style="font-family:var(--h3-font)">启动方式</span></h2><p>要启动<em>凄凉灯塔</em>,1 个生物必须位于神器的基座层(区域 @UUID[JournalEntry.yn21bNM6kpV4xRol.JournalEntryPage.a9b40LjI7QwLgirk]{J20})。在空无之窟的任何位置,生物可以通过<em频率>凄凉灯塔</em>的透镜远距离观察外面的世界,包括<em>凄凉灯塔</em>的光束射线射程以内的任何地方。</p><h3>支点镜片</h3><p>在<em>凄凉灯塔</em>功能减弱的当前状态下,它只能通过以下两种方式启动。通过更换和安装一组共四块被称为支点镜片的能够聚焦宁布洛斯那恶毒凝视的魔法透镜——这些透镜是如此强大,以至于贝科拉都需要小心翼翼——神器能获得显著的力量增幅,使它能照射到艾巴萨罗姆,并且可以每分钟 1 次的频率启动。</p><section class="compartment"><article class="full"><p><strong>启动</strong> <span class="pf2-icon">3</span> 交互;</p><p><strong>频率</strong> 每月一次;</p><p><strong>效果</strong> 一道浅蓝色的光束从凄凉灯塔的透镜中射出,在 1 英里范围内的任意一点,照亮半径 30 尺爆发范围。光线会浸透整个区域,使得被照亮的区域内,所有埋在地下 10 尺深以内的尸体都会被复活为-1 级的不死生物(通常是骷髅守卫[skeleton guards]或蹒跚丧尸[zombie shamblers])。一旦复活,这些不死生物在被杀之前都会保持主动攻击状态。不死生物处于不受控状态,只是被屠戮活人的欲望所驱使。</p><p>如果<em>凄凉灯塔</em>恢复至完全状态,则能把尸体复活成不高于 15 级的常见不死生物,具体取决于使用者的意愿。</p></article><article class="full"><p><strong>启动</strong> <span class="pf2-icon">3</span> 交互;</p><p><strong>频率</strong> 每月一次;</p><p><strong>效果</strong> 一道浅蓝色的光束从凄凉灯塔的透镜中射出,在 1 英里范围内的任意一点,照亮半径 30 尺爆发范围。使用者选择一个不高于 4 级的且身体于凄凉灯塔内的生物,然后将该生物传送至光照范围内的任意一点。如果凄凉灯塔恢复至完全状态,则灯塔内的任何不高于 15 级的生物都可以被传送。这是一个具有传送(teleportation)特征的效果。</p></article></section>
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<p><em>Gauntlight</em> is hard to miss, as it towers over the ruins of Gauntlight Keep and its base extends down through every level of the Abomination Vaults to the Empty Vault far below. In many ways, this artifact is just as much a key danger of the campaign as the spiteful Belcorra Haruvex herself.</p><section class="location-head"><header><h2>Gauntlight</h2><h2>Item 20</h2></header><article><ul class="traits"><li class="blue">Unique</li><li>Artifact</li><li>Magical</li><li>Necromancy</li></ul></article></section><section class="npc"><article><p><em>Gauntlight</em> is much more than a 115-foot-tall lighthouse rising from the heart of an old ruin in Fogfen—its pale stone walls extend far below the ruins, passing through eight different dungeon levels and finally terminating at the ninth level below the surface, where its deep foundation centers on an ominous chamber where, long ago, Nhimbaloth herself once physically brushed against this world. Once she finished its physical construction, the sorcerer Belcorra Haruvex used this spot as a source of power to infuse the walls, floors, and ceilings of each of <em>Gauntlight</em>’s levels with eldritch power. The lens at the apex of the lighthouse would have, in time, been able to focus this lingering eldritch energy into a powerful beam, but Belcorra’s plans were cut short before she could replace the mundane lenses with dangerous magical ones.</p></article><figure><img src="modules/pf2e-abomination-vaults/assets/journal-images/vignettes/fogfen-1.webp" width="300" /></figure></section><hr /><p>As an artifact, <em>Gauntlight</em> can’t be damaged by normal means. Its walls are impenetrable and impervious to any attempt to breach them by anybody except for followers of Nhimbaloth. They block effects that allow temporary passage, such as passwall, and also create a barrier against dimensional travel. The walls attempt to counteract teleportation effects and planar travel into or out of areas within <em>Gauntlight</em> and efforts to summon creatures into the area (using a +37 counteract modifier); this effect does not stop a summoned creature from departing when the summoning ends. Note that this effect only applies to the areas that are within Gauntlight and its footprint (areas @UUID[JournalEntry.kDJSn9wbVvjnqYEj.JournalEntryPage.JNlpc7pDiBmm5RGj]{A11}, @UUID[JournalEntry.kDJSn9wbVvjnqYEj.JournalEntryPage.6wFkYYY7f8SqcRy8]{A25}, @UUID[JournalEntry.uMZ0RiCcPSqsx1Nm.JournalEntryPage.8pbhSFgv71lvCz9M]{B35}, @UUID[JournalEntry.KeWKr2yd8dbppeS5.JournalEntryPage.eOv6LI3wvIuKyyNJ]{C15}, and so on), and not to the entirety of the Abomination Vaults!</p><p style="font-family:var(--main-font);font-size:var(--body-font-size)"><span style="font-family:var(--main-font)">If Belcorra’s ghost is permanently destroyed, Gauntlight loses all of its magical properties and collapses in on itself all the way down to its base, leaving an incredibly deep pit in the Fogfen.</span></p><hr /><h2 style="font-size:var(--h3-font-size);font-family:var(--h3-font)"><span style="font-family:var(--h3-font)">Activation</span></h2><p>To activate <em>Gauntlight</em>, a creature must be in the deepest portion of the artifact, the Empty Vault on the Temple level (area @UUID[JournalEntry.yn21bNM6kpV4xRol.JournalEntryPage.a9b40LjI7QwLgirk]{J20}). From anywhere within the Empty Vault, a creature can observe the world outside remotely through Gauntlight’s lens in its cuploa, including any area <em>Gauntlight</em>’s beam can reach.</p><h3>Fulcrum Lenses</h3><p>In <em>Gauntlight</em>’s current state of diminished functionality, it can be activated only in the two ways below. By swapping in a series of four magical lighthouse lenses called <em>fulcrum lenses</em> that focus Nhimbaloth’s baleful gaze—lenses so powerful that even Belcorra takes special care with them—the artifact gains significantly greater power, including the ability to reach all the way to Absalom and to activate its effects every minute.</p><section class="compartment"><article class="full"><p><strong>Activate</strong> <span class="pf2-icon">3</span> Interact;</p><p><strong>Frequency</strong> once per month;</p><p><strong>Effect</strong> A pale blue beam shines from <em>Gauntlight</em>’s lens and illuminates a 30-foot-radius burst centered on any point within 1 mile. The light saturates the region, causing any corpses in the area or within 10 feet of the surface of the illuminated area to animate as level –1 undead (typically as skeleton guards or zombie shamblers). Once animated, the undead remain active until slain. Until then, they remain uncontrolled and are driven only by the desire to slaughter the living.</p><p>If <em>Gauntlight</em> is fully restored, the undead instead animate as any Common undead of 15th level or less, as the user wishes.</p></article><article class="full"><p><strong>Activate</strong> <span class="pf2-icon">3</span> Interact;</p><p><strong>Frequency</strong> once per month;</p><p><strong>Effect</strong> A pale blue beam shines from <em>Gauntlight</em>’s lens and illuminates a 30-foot-radius burst centered on any point within 1 mile. The user chooses one creature of 4th level or less that is physically located within <em>Gauntlight</em>; this creature is then is teleported to any point within this illumination radius. This is a teleportation effect.</p><p>If <em>Gauntlight</em> is fully restored, any number of creatures within <em>Gauntlight</em> of 15th level or lower can be transported.</p></article></section>
<p><em>凄凉灯塔(Gauntlight)</em> 很难被忽略,它矗立于凄凉灯塔要塞的废墟之上,并向下延申至憎恨魔窟每一层,直抵下方的空无之窟。从很多方面来说,这件神器和恶毒的贝科拉·哈鲁维克斯Belcorra Haruvex一样都是战役中的主要威胁。</p><section class="location-head"><header><h2>凄凉灯塔(Gauntlight)</h2><h2>物品20</h2></header><article><ul class="traits"><li class="blue">独特</li><li>神器</li><li>魔法</li><li>死灵系</li></ul></article></section><section class="npc"><article><p><em>凄凉灯塔</em> 凄凉灯塔不仅仅是一个矗立在雾隐沼泽的废墟中的 115 尺高的灯塔——它苍白的石墙深深地扎进废墟地下,穿过八层形态各异的地下城,地基的中心在地下第九层,是一个不祥的房间。很久以前,宁布洛斯(Nhimbaloth)就在那里触碰到这个世界。在完成了灯塔的物理构造之后,术士贝科拉·哈鲁维克斯(Belcorra Haruvex)用这个地方作为能量源,将魔力注入到<em>凄凉灯塔</em>每一层的墙壁、地板和天护板上。灯塔顶部的透镜可本可以及时将这种邪恶的能量汇聚成强大的光束射线,但是贝卡拉还没来及用更具威力的魔法透镜替换普通的透镜之前,她的计划就被打断了。</p></article><figure><img src="modules/pf2e-abomination-vaults/assets/journal-images/vignettes/fogfen-1.webp" width="300" /></figure></section><hr /><p>作为一个神器,<em>凄凉灯塔</em>无法以正常的方法破坏。它的外墙天衣无缝,除了宁布洛斯和其追随者,任何其他人都无法打破。它的外墙会阻碍创建临时通道的法术,如穿墙术(passwall),并且能作为屏障阻碍次元旅行(dimensional travel)。墙可以反制进入或离开<em>凄凉灯塔</em>内部区域的具有传送(teleportation)特征的效果和异界旅行(planar travel)、并会阻止将召唤生物至塔内区域的尝试(反制调整值+37);该效果不会阻止被召唤的生物在召唤结束后离去。注意,这些效果只会在凄凉灯塔内部和它本体占用的空间生效(区域 @UUID[JournalEntry.kDJSn9wbVvjnqYEj.JournalEntryPage.JNlpc7pDiBmm5RGj]{A11}, @UUID[JournalEntry.kDJSn9wbVvjnqYEj.JournalEntryPage.6wFkYYY7f8SqcRy8]{A25}, @UUID[JournalEntry.uMZ0RiCcPSqsx1Nm.JournalEntryPage.8pbhSFgv71lvCz9M]{B35}, @UUID[JournalEntry.KeWKr2yd8dbppeS5.JournalEntryPage.eOv6LI3wvIuKyyNJ]{C15},等等),而非整个憎恨魔窟!</p><p style="font-family:var(--main-font);font-size:var(--body-font-size)"><span style="font-family:var(--main-font)">如果贝科拉的幽灵被永久摧毁,凄凉灯塔就会失去所有的魔法特性,并一路崩塌至底部,在雾隐沼泽中留下一个难以置信的大坑。</span></p><hr /><h2 style="font-size:var(--h3-font-size);font-family:var(--h3-font)"><span style="font-family:var(--h3-font)">启动方式</span></h2><p>要启动<em>凄凉灯塔</em>,1 个生物必须位于神器的基座层(区域 @UUID[JournalEntry.yn21bNM6kpV4xRol.JournalEntryPage.a9b40LjI7QwLgirk]{J20})。在空无之窟的任何位置,生物可以通过<em>凄凉灯塔</em>的透镜远距离观察外面的世界,包括<em>凄凉灯塔</em>的光束射线射程以内的任何地方。</p><h3>支点镜片</h3><p>在<em>凄凉灯塔</em>功能减弱的当前状态下,它只能通过以下两种方式启动。通过更换和安装一组共四块被称为支点镜片的能够聚焦宁布洛斯那恶毒凝视的魔法透镜——这些透镜是如此强大,以至于贝科拉都需要小心翼翼——神器能获得显著的力量增幅,使它能照射到艾巴萨罗姆,并且可以每分钟 1 次的频率启动。</p><section class="compartment"><article class="full"><p><strong>启动</strong> <span class="pf2-icon">3</span> 交互;</p><p><strong>频率</strong> 每月一次;</p><p><strong>效果</strong> 一道浅蓝色的光束从凄凉灯塔的透镜中射出,在 1 英里范围内的任意一点,照亮半径 30 尺爆发范围。光线会浸透整个区域,使得被照亮的区域内,所有埋在地下 10 尺深以内的尸体都会被复活为-1 级的不死生物(通常是骷髅守卫[skeleton guards]或蹒跚丧尸[zombie shamblers])。一旦复活,这些不死生物在被杀之前都会保持主动攻击状态。不死生物处于不受控状态,只是被屠戮活人的欲望所驱使。</p><p>如果<em>凄凉灯塔</em>恢复至完全状态,则能把尸体复活成不高于 15 级的常见不死生物,具体取决于使用者的意愿。</p></article><article class="full"><p><strong>启动</strong> <span class="pf2-icon">3</span> 交互;</p><p><strong>频率</strong> 每月一次;</p><p><strong>效果</strong> 一道浅蓝色的光束从凄凉灯塔的透镜中射出,在 1 英里范围内的任意一点,照亮半径 30 尺爆发范围。使用者选择一个不高于 4 级的且身体于凄凉灯塔内的生物,然后将该生物传送至光照范围内的任意一点。如果凄凉灯塔恢复至完全状态,则灯塔内的任何不高于 15 级的生物都可以被传送。这是一个具有传送(teleportation)特征的效果。</p></article></section>
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<p><em>Gauntlight</em> is hard to miss, as it towers over the ruins of Gauntlight Keep and its base extends down through every level of the Abomination Vaults to the Empty Vault far below. In many ways, this artifact is just as much a key danger of the campaign as the spiteful Belcorra Haruvex herself.</p><section class="location-head"><header><h2>Gauntlight</h2><h2>Item 20</h2></header><article><ul class="traits"><li class="blue">Unique</li><li>Artifact</li><li>Magical</li><li>Necromancy</li></ul></article></section><section class="npc"><article><p><em>Gauntlight</em> is much more than a 115-foot-tall lighthouse rising from the heart of an old ruin in Fogfen—its pale stone walls extend far below the ruins, passing through eight different dungeon levels and finally terminating at the ninth level below the surface, where its deep foundation centers on an ominous chamber where, long ago, Nhimbaloth herself once physically brushed against this world. Once she finished its physical construction, the sorcerer Belcorra Haruvex used this spot as a source of power to infuse the walls, floors, and ceilings of each of <em>Gauntlight</em>’s levels with eldritch power. The lens at the apex of the lighthouse would have, in time, been able to focus this lingering eldritch energy into a powerful beam, but Belcorra’s plans were cut short before she could replace the mundane lenses with dangerous magical ones.</p></article><figure><img src="modules/pf2e-abomination-vaults/assets/journal-images/vignettes/fogfen-1.webp" width="300" /></figure></section><hr /><p>As an artifact, <em>Gauntlight</em> can’t be damaged by normal means. Its walls are impenetrable and impervious to any attempt to breach them by anybody except for followers of Nhimbaloth. They block effects that allow temporary passage, such as passwall, and also create a barrier against dimensional travel. The walls attempt to counteract teleportation effects and planar travel into or out of areas within <em>Gauntlight</em> and efforts to summon creatures into the area (using a +37 counteract modifier); this effect does not stop a summoned creature from departing when the summoning ends. Note that this effect only applies to the areas that are within Gauntlight and its footprint (areas @UUID[JournalEntry.kDJSn9wbVvjnqYEj.JournalEntryPage.JNlpc7pDiBmm5RGj]{A11}, @UUID[JournalEntry.kDJSn9wbVvjnqYEj.JournalEntryPage.6wFkYYY7f8SqcRy8]{A25}, @UUID[JournalEntry.uMZ0RiCcPSqsx1Nm.JournalEntryPage.8pbhSFgv71lvCz9M]{B35}, @UUID[JournalEntry.KeWKr2yd8dbppeS5.JournalEntryPage.eOv6LI3wvIuKyyNJ]{C15}, and so on), and not to the entirety of the Abomination Vaults!</p><p style="font-family:var(--main-font);font-size:var(--body-font-size)"><span style="font-family:var(--main-font)">If Belcorra’s ghost is permanently destroyed, Gauntlight loses all of its magical properties and collapses in on itself all the way down to its base, leaving an incredibly deep pit in the Fogfen.</span></p><hr /><h2 style="font-size:var(--h3-font-size);font-family:var(--h3-font)"><span style="font-family:var(--h3-font)">Activation</span></h2><p>To activate <em>Gauntlight</em>, a creature must be in the deepest portion of the artifact, the Empty Vault on the Temple level (area @UUID[JournalEntry.yn21bNM6kpV4xRol.JournalEntryPage.a9b40LjI7QwLgirk]{J20}). From anywhere within the Empty Vault, a creature can observe the world outside remotely through Gauntlight’s lens in its cuploa, including any area <em>Gauntlight</em>’s beam can reach.</p><h3>Fulcrum Lenses</h3><p>In <em>Gauntlight</em>’s current state of diminished functionality, it can be activated only in the two ways below. By swapping in a series of four magical lighthouse lenses called <em>fulcrum lenses</em> that focus Nhimbaloth’s baleful gaze—lenses so powerful that even Belcorra takes special care with them—the artifact gains significantly greater power, including the ability to reach all the way to Absalom and to activate its effects every minute.</p><section class="compartment"><article class="full"><p><strong>Activate</strong> <span class="pf2-icon">3</span> Interact;</p><p><strong>Frequency</strong> once per month;</p><p><strong>Effect</strong> A pale blue beam shines from <em>Gauntlight</em>’s lens and illuminates a 30-foot-radius burst centered on any point within 1 mile. The light saturates the region, causing any corpses in the area or within 10 feet of the surface of the illuminated area to animate as level –1 undead (typically as skeleton guards or zombie shamblers). Once animated, the undead remain active until slain. Until then, they remain uncontrolled and are driven only by the desire to slaughter the living.</p><p>If <em>Gauntlight</em> is fully restored, the undead instead animate as any Common undead of 15th level or less, as the user wishes.</p></article><article class="full"><p><strong>Activate</strong> <span class="pf2-icon">3</span> Interact;</p><p><strong>Frequency</strong> once per month;</p><p><strong>Effect</strong> A pale blue beam shines from <em>Gauntlight</em>’s lens and illuminates a 30-foot-radius burst centered on any point within 1 mile. The user chooses one creature of 4th level or less that is physically located within <em>Gauntlight</em>; this creature is then is teleported to any point within this illumination radius. This is a teleportation effect.</p><p>If <em>Gauntlight</em> is fully restored, any number of creatures within <em>Gauntlight</em> of 15th level or lower can be transported.</p></article></section>
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<p><em>Gauntlight</em> is hard to miss, as it towers over the ruins of Gauntlight Keep and its base extends down through every level of the Abomination Vaults to the Empty Vault far below. In many ways, this artifact is just as much a key danger of the campaign as the spiteful Belcorra Haruvex herself.</p>
<section class="location-head"><header> <h2>Gauntlight</h2> <h2>Item 20</h2> </header> <article> <ul class="traits"> <li class="blue">Unique</li> <li>Artifact</li> <li>Magical</li> <li>Necromancy</li> </ul> </article> </section> <section class="npc"> <article> <p><em>Gauntlight</em> is much more than a 115-foot-tall lighthouse rising from the heart of an old ruin in Fogfen—its pale stone walls extend far below the ruins, passing through eight different dungeon levels and finally terminating at the ninth level below the surface, where its deep foundation centers on an ominous chamber where, long ago, Nhimbaloth herself once physically brushed against this world. Once she finished its physical construction, the sorcerer Belcorra Haruvex used this spot as a source of power to infuse the walls, floors, and ceilings of each of <em>Gauntlight</em>’s levels with eldritch power. The lens at the apex of the lighthouse would have, in time, been able to focus this lingering eldritch energy into a powerful beam, but Belcorra’s plans were cut short before she could replace the mundane lenses with dangerous magical ones.</p> </article> <figure><img src="modules/pf2e-abomination-vaults/assets/journal-images/vignettes/fogfen-1.webp" width="300" /></figure> </section> <hr /> <p>As an artifact, <em>Gauntlight</em> can’t be damaged by normal means. Its walls are impenetrable and impervious to any attempt to breach them by anybody except for followers of Nhimbaloth. They block effects that allow temporary passage, such as passwall, and also create a barrier against dimensional travel. The walls attempt to counteract teleportation effects and planar travel into or out of areas within <em>Gauntlight</em> and efforts to summon creatures into the area (using a +37 counteract modifier); this effect does not stop a summoned creature from departing when the summoning ends. Note that this effect only applies to the areas that are within Gauntlight and its footprint (areas @UUID[JournalEntry.kDJSn9wbVvjnqYEj.JournalEntryPage.JNlpc7pDiBmm5RGj]{A11}, @UUID[JournalEntry.kDJSn9wbVvjnqYEj.JournalEntryPage.6wFkYYY7f8SqcRy8]{A25}, @UUID[JournalEntry.uMZ0RiCcPSqsx1Nm.JournalEntryPage.8pbhSFgv71lvCz9M]{B35}, @UUID[JournalEntry.KeWKr2yd8dbppeS5.JournalEntryPage.eOv6LI3wvIuKyyNJ]{C15}, and so on), and not to the entirety of the Abomination Vaults!</p> <p style="font-family:var(--main-font);font-size:var(--body-font-size)">If Belcorra’s ghost is permanently destroyed, Gauntlight loses all of its magical properties and collapses in on itself all the way down to its base, leaving an incredibly deep pit in the Fogfen.</p> <hr /> <h2 style="font-size:var(--h3-font-size);font-family:var(--h3-font)">Activation</h2> <p>To activate <em>Gauntlight</em>, a creature must be in the deepest portion of the artifact, the Empty Vault on the Temple level (area @UUID[JournalEntry.yn21bNM6kpV4xRol.JournalEntryPage.a9b40LjI7QwLgirk]{J20}). From anywhere within the Empty Vault, a creature can observe the world outside remotely through Gauntlight’s lens in its cuploa, including any area <em>Gauntlight</em>’s beam can reach.</p> <h3>Fulcrum Lenses</h3> <p>In <em>Gauntlight</em>’s current state of diminished functionality, it can be activated only in the two ways below. By swapping in a series of four magical lighthouse lenses called <em>fulcrum lenses</em> that focus Nhimbaloth’s baleful gaze—lenses so powerful that even Belcorra takes special care with them—the artifact gains significantly greater power, including the ability to reach all the way to Absalom and to activate its effects every minute.</p> <section class="compartment"> <article class="full"> <p><strong>Activate</strong> <span class="action-glyph">3</span> Interact;</p> <p><strong>Frequency</strong> once per month;</p> <p><strong>Effect</strong> A pale blue beam shines from <em>Gauntlight</em>’s lens and illuminates a 30-foot-radius burst centered on any point within 1 mile. The light saturates the region, causing any corpses in the area or within 10 feet of the surface of the illuminated area to animate as level –1 undead (typically as skeleton guards or zombie shamblers). Once animated, the undead remain active until slain. Until then, they remain uncontrolled and are driven only by the desire to slaughter the living.</p> <p>If <em>Gauntlight</em> is fully restored, the undead instead animate as any Common undead of 15th level or less, as the user wishes.</p> </article> <article class="full"> <p><strong>Activate</strong> <span class="action-glyph">3</span> Interact;</p> <p><strong>Frequency</strong> once per month;</p> <p><strong>Effect</strong> A pale blue beam shines from <em>Gauntlight</em>’s lens and illuminates a 30-foot-radius burst centered on any point within 1 mile. The user chooses one creature of 4th level or less that is physically located within <em>Gauntlight</em>; this creature is then is teleported to any point within this illumination radius. This is a teleportation effect.</p> <p>If <em>Gauntlight</em> is fully restored, any number of creatures within <em>Gauntlight</em> of 15th level or lower can be transported.</p> </article> </section> |
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<p><em>Gauntlight</em> is hard to miss, as it towers over the ruins of Gauntlight Keep and its base extends down through every level of the Abomination Vaults to the Empty Vault far below. In many ways, this artifact is just as much a key danger of the campaign as the spiteful Belcorra Haruvex herself.</p>
<section class="location-head"><header> <h2>Gauntlight</h2> <h2>Item 20</h2> </header> <article> <ul class="traits"> <li class="blue">Unique</li> <li>Artifact</li> <li>Magical</li> <li>Necromancy</li> </ul> </article> </section> <section class="npc"> <article> <p><em>Gauntlight</em> is much more than a 115-foot-tall lighthouse rising from the heart of an old ruin in Fogfen—its pale stone walls extend far below the ruins, passing through eight different dungeon levels and finally terminating at the ninth level below the surface, where its deep foundation centers on an ominous chamber where, long ago, Nhimbaloth herself once physically brushed against this world. Once she finished its physical construction, the sorcerer Belcorra Haruvex used this spot as a source of power to infuse the walls, floors, and ceilings of each of <em>Gauntlight</em>’s levels with eldritch power. The lens at the apex of the lighthouse would have, in time, been able to focus this lingering eldritch energy into a powerful beam, but Belcorra’s plans were cut short before she could replace the mundane lenses with dangerous magical ones.</p> </article> <figure><img src="modules/pf2e-abomination-vaults/assets/journal-images/vignettes/fogfen-1.webp" width="300" /></figure> </section> <hr /> <p>As an artifact, <em>Gauntlight</em> can’t be damaged by normal means. Its walls are impenetrable and impervious to any attempt to breach them by anybody except for followers of Nhimbaloth. They block effects that allow temporary passage, such as passwall, and also create a barrier against dimensional travel. The walls attempt to counteract teleportation effects and planar travel into or out of areas within <em>Gauntlight</em> and efforts to summon creatures into the area (using a +37 counteract modifier); this effect does not stop a summoned creature from departing when the summoning ends. Note that this effect only applies to the areas that are within Gauntlight and its footprint (areas @UUID[JournalEntry.kDJSn9wbVvjnqYEj.JournalEntryPage.JNlpc7pDiBmm5RGj]{A11}, @UUID[JournalEntry.kDJSn9wbVvjnqYEj.JournalEntryPage.6wFkYYY7f8SqcRy8]{A25}, @UUID[JournalEntry.uMZ0RiCcPSqsx1Nm.JournalEntryPage.8pbhSFgv71lvCz9M]{B35}, @UUID[JournalEntry.KeWKr2yd8dbppeS5.JournalEntryPage.eOv6LI3wvIuKyyNJ]{C15}, and so on), and not to the entirety of the Abomination Vaults!</p> <p style="font-family:var(--main-font);font-size:var(--body-font-size)">If Belcorra’s ghost is permanently destroyed, Gauntlight loses all of its magical properties and collapses in on itself all the way down to its base, leaving an incredibly deep pit in the Fogfen.</p> <hr /> <h2 style="font-size:var(--h3-font-size);font-family:var(--h3-font)">Activation</h2> <p>To activate <em>Gauntlight</em>, a creature must be in the deepest portion of the artifact, the Empty Vault on the Temple level (area @UUID[JournalEntry.yn21bNM6kpV4xRol.JournalEntryPage.a9b40LjI7QwLgirk]{J20}). From anywhere within the Empty Vault, a creature can observe the world outside remotely through Gauntlight’s lens in its cuploa, including any area <em>Gauntlight</em>’s beam can reach.</p> <h3>Fulcrum Lenses</h3> <p>In <em>Gauntlight</em>’s current state of diminished functionality, it can be activated only in the two ways below. By swapping in a series of four magical lighthouse lenses called <em>fulcrum lenses</em> that focus Nhimbaloth’s baleful gaze—lenses so powerful that even Belcorra takes special care with them—the artifact gains significantly greater power, including the ability to reach all the way to Absalom and to activate its effects every minute.</p> <section class="compartment"> <article class="full"> <p><strong>Activate</strong> <span class="pf2-icon">3</span> Interact;</p> <p><strong>Frequency</strong> once per month;</p> <p><strong>Effect</strong> A pale blue beam shines from <em>Gauntlight</em>’s lens and illuminates a 30-foot-radius burst centered on any point within 1 mile. The light saturates the region, causing any corpses in the area or within 10 feet of the surface of the illuminated area to animate as level –1 undead (typically as skeleton guards or zombie shamblers). Once animated, the undead remain active until slain. Until then, they remain uncontrolled and are driven only by the desire to slaughter the living.</p> <p>If <em>Gauntlight</em> is fully restored, the undead instead animate as any Common undead of 15th level or less, as the user wishes.</p> </article> <article class="full"> <p><strong>Activate</strong> <span class="pf2-icon">3</span> Interact;</p> <p><strong>Frequency</strong> once per month;</p> <p><strong>Effect</strong> A pale blue beam shines from <em>Gauntlight</em>’s lens and illuminates a 30-foot-radius burst centered on any point within 1 mile. The user chooses one creature of 4th level or less that is physically located within <em>Gauntlight</em>; this creature is then is teleported to any point within this illumination radius. This is a teleportation effect.</p> <p>If <em>Gauntlight</em> is fully restored, any number of creatures within <em>Gauntlight</em> of 15th level or lower can be transported.</p> </article> </section> |