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<ul class="traits"><li>secret</li></ul><p>The Pitax River grows narrow here as it nears its source. Both riverbanks are thick with brambles, and the predominance of unusually noisy crows, aggressive rattlesnakes, swaths of @UUID[Actor.ZlEhOqdwPDpU3jvO]{stinging nettles}, and various ticks and mosquitoes makes the region a deservedly remote one; this hex is greater difficult terrain. This isolation serves the precise needs of a Pitaxian exile named Ilora Nuski. Her campsite is quite hidden, requiring a successful @Check[perception|dc:35|traits:action:reconnoiter] to discover while the hex is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.QIrJJ1pl4H6DctaQ]{Reconnoitered}.</p><section class="encounter"><aside class="right porthole"><img src="modules/pf2e-kingmaker/assets/actor-tokens/kingmaker/ilora-nuski.webp" /></aside><header class="split"><h3>@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.kingmaker-bestiary.Actor.XzFifthQr0V5nEJe]{Ilora Nuski}</h3><p>Trivial 16</p></header><p><strong>Creature:</strong> Ilora’s campsite, hidden deep in the brambles, consists of little more than a pair of well-used tents 30 feet from the river’s edge. There’s not even a real clearing around the tents, since Ilora can move through the brambles with supernatural ease. These same brambles block the view from the river but allow Ilora to keep an eye on anyone who might be using the waterway to reach her hideout.</p></section><p>Ilora has seen better days, but even those days were fraught with peril. In her previous life, she was the leader of a group of bandits called the River Razors, a merry band of rangers, druids, and rogues who relied upon their shared talents and skills at bushcraft and primal magic to prey upon aristocrats and rich merchants who used the rivers of Pitax to transport their wealth. After @UUID[JournalEntry.PoopszF8pbV8RtX8.JournalEntryPage.UG1YQsZGkWshc4AY]{King Castruccio} took the crown and banditry increasingly became organized by the Pitax thieves’ guild, Ilora saw her beloved homeland transform into something she hated. Gone were the days when “honest” smugglers and bandits could use Pitax as a safe haven for their work. The rise of drug abuse in the city, the influx of deluded “jesters and fools” eager to please a pompous ruler, and the overwhelming presence of the Pitax wardens turned the city into something she loathed, and her days of banditry turned to rebellion.</p><p>The king and his agents were quick to squash the River Razors, and today, Ilora is the only surviving member. Unable to show her face in Pitax, Ilora continues to build plans to free Pitax from Castruccio and return its rule to the proper families. She’s learned much of the city and knows quite a bit about its defenses, and her reputation as a wanted criminal is likely to come to the PCs’ attention sooner or later.</p><p>If the PCs don’t stumble across her camp on their own during exploration, Ilora eventually learns about them herself. Every few months, she makes the increasingly risky trip downriver to sneak into Pitax under cover of darkness, both to steal supplies she can’t gather in the wild and to listen under open tavern windows to catch up on current events. She hears stories of the PCs’ kingdom and is intrigued from the start, but she doesn’t take action until the @UUID[JournalEntry.yGGSDRma9yTWwdeo]{War of the River Kings} begins. At this point, she casts @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.yhz9fF69uwRhnHix]{animal messenger} to deliver a message to the PCs, inviting them via a short note: “If you wish to discuss how to handle our common enemy, meet me on Hemlock Island at the rise of the next full moon.” (Feel free to replace Hemlock Island with a landmark of your choice.) The exact assistance Ilora can give the PCs to aid their war effort is detailed in @UUID[JournalEntry.yGGSDRma9yTWwdeo.JournalEntryPage.QrjFBXxQxXqklz0L]{Chapter 8}.</p><p>Ilora’s campsite is protected by an @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.4WAib3GichxLjp5p]{alarm} spell, which helps her become aware of intruders, but she hasn’t survived this long in the Glenebon Uplands by being aggressive. She knows the monsters and dangers of the region could slay her swiftly, so she works to maintain a low profile on her hunting or foraging trips. By the time the PCs contact her, she has been living on her own in the wild for years. While her personal hygiene and diplomatic abilities have suffered greatly from her isolation, she maintains a strong sense of self and a natural dignity. Ilora doesn’t need society to thrive, but that doesn’t mean she’s fine with allowing Castruccio to continue to ruin the city she still thinks of as home.</p><p>If the PCs manage to encounter her and befriend her before the War of the River Kings begins, Ilora gratefully accepts any offer of asylum in the PCs’ kingdom; when the war begins, she can provide them advice immediately rather than waiting to arrange a meeting on Hemlock Island.</p><p>Ilora only fights foes she’s confident she can handle in battle. Against foes that are obviously more powerful than herself, she has plenty of practice in evasion and does her best to flee. She doesn’t generally hold grudges—Castruccio being a notable exception—but if the PCs continue to vex her, she may be pushed to extremes and seek powerful (but dangerous) alliances with regional threats.</p><section class="milestone"><p><strong>XP Award:</strong> If the PCs manage to secure Ilora’s aid against Pitax, they earn 80 XP.</p></section>
<ul class="traits"><li>secret</li></ul><p>The Pitax River grows narrow here as it nears its source. Both riverbanks are thick with brambles, and the predominance of unusually noisy crows, aggressive rattlesnakes, swaths of @UUID[Actor.ZlEhOqdwPDpU3jvO]{stinging nettles}, and various ticks and mosquitoes makes the region a deservedly remote one; this hex is greater difficult terrain. This isolation serves the precise needs of a Pitaxian exile named Ilora Nuski. Her campsite is quite hidden, requiring a successful @Check[perception|dc:35|traits:action:reconnoiter] to discover while the hex is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.QIrJJ1pl4H6DctaQ]{Reconnoitered}.</p><section class="encounter"><aside class="right porthole"><img src="modules/pf2e-kingmaker/assets/actor-tokens/kingmaker/ilora-nuski.webp" /></aside><header class="split"><h3>@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.kingmaker-bestiary.Actor.XzFifthQr0V5nEJe]{Ilora Nuski}</h3><p>Trivial 16</p></header><p><strong>Creature:</strong> Ilora’s campsite, hidden deep in the brambles, consists of little more than a pair of well-used tents 30 feet from the river’s edge. There’s not even a real clearing around the tents, since Ilora can move through the brambles with supernatural ease. These same brambles block the view from the river but allow Ilora to keep an eye on anyone who might be using the waterway to reach her hideout.</p></section><p>Ilora has seen better days, but even those days were fraught with peril. In her previous life, she was the leader of a group of bandits called the River Razors, a merry band of rangers, druids, and rogues who relied upon their shared talents and skills at bushcraft and primal magic to prey upon aristocrats and rich merchants who used the rivers of Pitax to transport their wealth. After @UUID[JournalEntry.PoopszF8pbV8RtX8.JournalEntryPage.UG1YQsZGkWshc4AY]{King Castruccio} took the crown and banditry increasingly became organized by the Pitax thieves’ guild, Ilora saw her beloved homeland transform into something she hated. Gone were the days when “honest” smugglers and bandits could use Pitax as a safe haven for their work. The rise of drug abuse in the city, the influx of deluded “jesters and fools” eager to please a pompous ruler, and the overwhelming presence of the Pitax wardens turned the city into something she loathed, and her days of banditry turned to rebellion.</p><p>The king and his agents were quick to squash the River Razors, and today, Ilora is the only surviving member. Unable to show her face in Pitax, Ilora continues to build plans to free Pitax from Castruccio and return its rule to the proper families. She’s learned much of the city and knows quite a bit about its defenses, and her reputation as a wanted criminal is likely to come to the PCs’ attention sooner or later.</p><p>If the PCs don’t stumble across her camp on their own during exploration, Ilora eventually learns about them herself. Every few months, she makes the increasingly risky trip downriver to sneak into Pitax under cover of darkness, both to steal supplies she can’t gather in the wild and to listen under open tavern windows to catch up on current events. She hears stories of the PCs’ kingdom and is intrigued from the start, but she doesn’t take action until the @UUID[JournalEntry.yGGSDRma9yTWwdeo]{War of the River Kings} begins. At this point, she casts @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.yhz9fF69uwRhnHix]{animal messenger} to deliver a message to the PCs, inviting them via a short note: “If you wish to discuss how to handle our common enemy, meet me on Hemlock Island at the rise of the next full moon.” (Feel free to replace Hemlock Island with a landmark of your choice.) The exact assistance Ilora can give the PCs to aid their war effort is detailed in @UUID[JournalEntry.yGGSDRma9yTWwdeo.JournalEntryPage.QrjFBXxQxXqklz0L]{Chapter 8}.</p><p>Ilora’s campsite is protected by an @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.4WAib3GichxLjp5p]{alarm} spell, which helps her become aware of intruders, but she hasn’t survived this long in the Glenebon Uplands by being aggressive. She knows the monsters and dangers of the region could slay her swiftly, so she works to maintain a low profile on her hunting or foraging trips. By the time the PCs contact her, she has been living on her own in the wild for years. While her personal hygiene and diplomatic abilities have suffered greatly from her isolation, she maintains a strong sense of self and a natural dignity. Ilora doesn’t need society to thrive, but that doesn’t mean she’s fine with allowing Castruccio to continue to ruin the city she still thinks of as home.</p><p>If the PCs manage to encounter her and befriend her before the War of the River Kings begins, Ilora gratefully accepts any offer of asylum in the PCs’ kingdom; when the war begins, she can provide them advice immediately rather than waiting to arrange a meeting on Hemlock Island.</p><p>Ilora only fights foes she’s confident she can handle in battle. Against foes that are obviously more powerful than herself, she has plenty of practice in evasion and does her best to flee. She doesn’t generally hold grudges—Castruccio being a notable exception—but if the PCs continue to vex her, she may be pushed to extremes and seek powerful (but dangerous) alliances with regional threats.</p><section class="milestone"><p><strong>XP Award:</strong> If the PCs manage to secure Ilora’s aid against Pitax, they earn 80 XP.</p></section>
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<ul class="traits"><li>secret</li></ul><p>The Pitax River grows narrow here as it nears its source. Both riverbanks are thick with brambles, and the predominance of unusually noisy crows, aggressive rattlesnakes, swaths of @UUID[Actor.ZlEhOqdwPDpU3jvO]{stinging nettles}, and various ticks and mosquitoes makes the region a deservedly remote one; this hex is greater difficult terrain. This isolation serves the precise needs of a Pitaxian exile named Ilora Nuski. Her campsite is quite hidden, requiring a successful @Check[perception|dc:35|traits:action:reconnoiter] to discover while the hex is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.QIrJJ1pl4H6DctaQ]{Reconnoitered}.</p><section class="encounter"><aside class="right porthole"><img src="modules/pf2e-kingmaker/assets/actor-tokens/kingmaker/ilora-nuski.webp" /></aside><header class="split"><h3>@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.kingmaker-bestiary.Actor.XzFifthQr0V5nEJe]{Ilora Nuski}</h3><p>Trivial 16</p></header><p><strong>Creature:</strong> Ilora’s campsite, hidden deep in the brambles, consists of little more than a pair of well-used tents 30 feet from the river’s edge. There’s not even a real clearing around the tents, since Ilora can move through the brambles with supernatural ease. These same brambles block the view from the river but allow Ilora to keep an eye on anyone who might be using the waterway to reach her hideout.</p></section><p>Ilora has seen better days, but even those days were fraught with peril. In her previous life, she was the leader of a group of bandits called the River Razors, a merry band of rangers, druids, and rogues who relied upon their shared talents and skills at bushcraft and primal magic to prey upon aristocrats and rich merchants who used the rivers of Pitax to transport their wealth. After @UUID[JournalEntry.PoopszF8pbV8RtX8.JournalEntryPage.UG1YQsZGkWshc4AY]{King Castruccio} took the crown and banditry increasingly became organized by the Pitax thieves’ guild, Ilora saw her beloved homeland transform into something she hated. Gone were the days when “honest” smugglers and bandits could use Pitax as a safe haven for their work. The rise of drug abuse in the city, the influx of deluded “jesters and fools” eager to please a pompous ruler, and the overwhelming presence of the Pitax wardens turned the city into something she loathed, and her days of banditry turned to rebellion.</p><p>The king and his agents were quick to squash the River Razors, and today, Ilora is the only surviving member. Unable to show her face in Pitax, Ilora continues to build plans to free Pitax from Castruccio and return its rule to the proper families. She’s learned much of the city and knows quite a bit about its defenses, and her reputation as a wanted criminal is likely to come to the PCs’ attention sooner or later.</p><p>If the PCs don’t stumble across her camp on their own during exploration, Ilora eventually learns about them herself. Every few months, she makes the increasingly risky trip downriver to sneak into Pitax under cover of darkness, both to steal supplies she can’t gather in the wild and to listen under open tavern windows to catch up on current events. She hears stories of the PCs’ kingdom and is intrigued from the start, but she doesn’t take action until the @UUID[JournalEntry.yGGSDRma9yTWwdeo]{War of the River Kings} begins. At this point, she casts @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.yhz9fF69uwRhnHix]{animal messenger} to deliver a message to the PCs, inviting them via a short note: “If you wish to discuss how to handle our common enemy, meet me on Hemlock Island at the rise of the next full moon.” (Feel free to replace Hemlock Island with a landmark of your choice.) The exact assistance Ilora can give the PCs to aid their war effort is detailed in @UUID[JournalEntry.yGGSDRma9yTWwdeo.JournalEntryPage.QrjFBXxQxXqklz0L]{Chapter 8}.</p><p>Ilora’s campsite is protected by an @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.4WAib3GichxLjp5p]{alarm} spell, which helps her become aware of intruders, but she hasn’t survived this long in the Glenebon Uplands by being aggressive. She knows the monsters and dangers of the region could slay her swiftly, so she works to maintain a low profile on her hunting or foraging trips. By the time the PCs contact her, she has been living on her own in the wild for years. While her personal hygiene and diplomatic abilities have suffered greatly from her isolation, she maintains a strong sense of self and a natural dignity. Ilora doesn’t need society to thrive, but that doesn’t mean she’s fine with allowing Castruccio to continue to ruin the city she still thinks of as home.</p><p>If the PCs manage to encounter her and befriend her before the War of the River Kings begins, Ilora gratefully accepts any offer of asylum in the PCs’ kingdom; when the war begins, she can provide them advice immediately rather than waiting to arrange a meeting on Hemlock Island.</p><p>Ilora only fights foes she’s confident she can handle in battle. Against foes that are obviously more powerful than herself, she has plenty of practice in evasion and does her best to flee. She doesn’t generally hold grudges—Castruccio being a notable exception—but if the PCs continue to vex her, she may be pushed to extremes and seek powerful (but dangerous) alliances with regional threats.</p><section class="milestone"><p><strong>XP Award:</strong> If the PCs manage to secure Ilora’s aid against Pitax, they earn 80 XP.</p></section>
<ul class="traits"><li>secret</li></ul><p>The Pitax River grows narrow here as it nears its source. Both riverbanks are thick with brambles, and the predominance of unusually noisy crows, aggressive rattlesnakes, swaths of @UUID[Actor.ZlEhOqdwPDpU3jvO]{stinging nettles}, and various ticks and mosquitoes makes the region a deservedly remote one; this hex is greater difficult terrain. This isolation serves the precise needs of a Pitaxian exile named Ilora Nuski. Her campsite is quite hidden, requiring a successful @Check[
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<ul class="traits"><li>secret</li></ul><p>The Pitax River grows narrow here as it nears its source. Both riverbanks are thick with brambles, and the predominance of unusually noisy crows, aggressive rattlesnakes, swaths of @UUID[Actor.ZlEhOqdwPDpU3jvO]{stinging nettles}, and various ticks and mosquitoes makes the region a deservedly remote one; this hex is greater difficult terrain. This isolation serves the precise needs of a Pitaxian exile named Ilora Nuski. Her campsite is quite hidden, requiring a successful @Check[type:perception|dc:35|traits:action:reconnoiter] to discover while the hex is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.QIrJJ1pl4H6DctaQ]{Reconnoitered}.</p><section class="encounter"><aside class="right porthole"><img src="modules/pf2e-kingmaker/assets/actor-tokens/kingmaker/ilora-nuski.webp" /></aside><header class="split"><h3>@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.kingmaker-bestiary.Actor.XzFifthQr0V5nEJe]{Ilora Nuski}</h3><p>Trivial 16</p></header><p><strong>Creature:</strong> Ilora’s campsite, hidden deep in the brambles, consists of little more than a pair of well-used tents 30 feet from the river’s edge. There’s not even a real clearing around the tents, since Ilora can move through the brambles with supernatural ease. These same brambles block the view from the river but allow Ilora to keep an eye on anyone who might be using the waterway to reach her hideout.</p></section><p>Ilora has seen better days, but even those days were fraught with peril. In her previous life, she was the leader of a group of bandits called the River Razors, a merry band of rangers, druids, and rogues who relied upon their shared talents and skills at bushcraft and primal magic to prey upon aristocrats and rich merchants who used the rivers of Pitax to transport their wealth. After @UUID[JournalEntry.PoopszF8pbV8RtX8.JournalEntryPage.UG1YQsZGkWshc4AY]{King Castruccio} took the crown and banditry increasingly became organized by the Pitax thieves’ guild, Ilora saw her beloved homeland transform into something she hated. Gone were the days when “honest” smugglers and bandits could use Pitax as a safe haven for their work. The rise of drug abuse in the city, the influx of deluded “jesters and fools” eager to please a pompous ruler, and the overwhelming presence of the Pitax wardens turned the city into something she loathed, and her days of banditry turned to rebellion.</p><p>The king and his agents were quick to squash the River Razors, and today, Ilora is the only surviving member. Unable to show her face in Pitax, Ilora continues to build plans to free Pitax from Castruccio and return its rule to the proper families. She’s learned much of the city and knows quite a bit about its defenses, and her reputation as a wanted criminal is likely to come to the PCs’ attention sooner or later.</p><p>If the PCs don’t stumble across her camp on their own during exploration, Ilora eventually learns about them herself. Every few months, she makes the increasingly risky trip downriver to sneak into Pitax under cover of darkness, both to steal supplies she can’t gather in the wild and to listen under open tavern windows to catch up on current events. She hears stories of the PCs’ kingdom and is intrigued from the start, but she doesn’t take action until the @UUID[JournalEntry.yGGSDRma9yTWwdeo]{War of the River Kings} begins. At this point, she casts @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.yhz9fF69uwRhnHix]{animal messenger} to deliver a message to the PCs, inviting them via a short note: “If you wish to discuss how to handle our common enemy, meet me on Hemlock Island at the rise of the next full moon.” (Feel free to replace Hemlock Island with a landmark of your choice.) The exact assistance Ilora can give the PCs to aid their war effort is detailed in @UUID[JournalEntry.yGGSDRma9yTWwdeo.JournalEntryPage.QrjFBXxQxXqklz0L]{Chapter 8}.</p><p>Ilora’s campsite is protected by an @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.4WAib3GichxLjp5p]{alarm} spell, which helps her become aware of intruders, but she hasn’t survived this long in the Glenebon Uplands by being aggressive. She knows the monsters and dangers of the region could slay her swiftly, so she works to maintain a low profile on her hunting or foraging trips. By the time the PCs contact her, she has been living on her own in the wild for years. While her personal hygiene and diplomatic abilities have suffered greatly from her isolation, she maintains a strong sense of self and a natural dignity. Ilora doesn’t need society to thrive, but that doesn’t mean she’s fine with allowing Castruccio to continue to ruin the city she still thinks of as home.</p><p>If the PCs manage to encounter her and befriend her before the War of the River Kings begins, Ilora gratefully accepts any offer of asylum in the PCs’ kingdom; when the war begins, she can provide them advice immediately rather than waiting to arrange a meeting on Hemlock Island.</p><p>Ilora only fights foes she’s confident she can handle in battle. Against foes that are obviously more powerful than herself, she has plenty of practice in evasion and does her best to flee. She doesn’t generally hold grudges—Castruccio being a notable exception—but if the PCs continue to vex her, she may be pushed to extremes and seek powerful (but dangerous) alliances with regional threats.</p><section class="milestone"><p><strong>XP Award:</strong> If the PCs manage to secure Ilora’s aid against Pitax, they earn 80 XP.</p></section>
<ul class="traits"><li>secret</li></ul><p>The Pitax River grows narrow here as it nears its source. Both riverbanks are thick with brambles, and the predominance of unusually noisy crows, aggressive rattlesnakes, swaths of @UUID[Actor.ZlEhOqdwPDpU3jvO]{stinging nettles}, and various ticks and mosquitoes makes the region a deservedly remote one; this hex is greater difficult terrain. This isolation serves the precise needs of a Pitaxian exile named Ilora Nuski. Her campsite is quite hidden, requiring a successful @Check[type:perception|dc:35|traits:action:reconnoiter] to discover while the hex is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.QIrJJ1pl4H6DctaQ]{Reconnoitered}.</p><section class="encounter"><aside class="right porthole"><img src="modules/pf2e-kingmaker/assets/actor-tokens/kingmaker/ilora-nuski.webp" /></aside><header class="split"><h3>@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.kingmaker-bestiary.Actor.XzFifthQr0V5nEJe]{Ilora Nuski}</h3><p>Trivial 16</p></header><p><strong>Creature:</strong> Ilora’s campsite, hidden deep in the brambles, consists of little more than a pair of well-used tents 30 feet from the river’s edge. There’s not even a real clearing around the tents, since Ilora can move through the brambles with supernatural ease. These same brambles block the view from the river but allow Ilora to keep an eye on anyone who might be using the waterway to reach her hideout.</p></section><p>Ilora has seen better days, but even those days were fraught with peril. In her previous life, she was the leader of a group of bandits called the River Razors, a merry band of rangers, druids, and rogues who relied upon their shared talents and skills at bushcraft and primal magic to prey upon aristocrats and rich merchants who used the rivers of Pitax to transport their wealth. After @UUID[JournalEntry.PoopszF8pbV8RtX8.JournalEntryPage.UG1YQsZGkWshc4AY]{King Castruccio} took the crown and banditry increasingly became organized by the Pitax thieves’ guild, Ilora saw her beloved homeland transform into something she hated. Gone were the days when “honest” smugglers and bandits could use Pitax as a safe haven for their work. The rise of drug abuse in the city, the influx of deluded “jesters and fools” eager to please a pompous ruler, and the overwhelming presence of the Pitax wardens turned the city into something she loathed, and her days of banditry turned to rebellion.</p><p>The king and his agents were quick to squash the River Razors, and today, Ilora is the only surviving member. Unable to show her face in Pitax, Ilora continues to build plans to free Pitax from Castruccio and return its rule to the proper families. She’s learned much of the city and knows quite a bit about its defenses, and her reputation as a wanted criminal is likely to come to the PCs’ attention sooner or later.</p><p>If the PCs don’t stumble across her camp on their own during exploration, Ilora eventually learns about them herself. Every few months, she makes the increasingly risky trip downriver to sneak into Pitax under cover of darkness, both to steal supplies she can’t gather in the wild and to listen under open tavern windows to catch up on current events. She hears stories of the PCs’ kingdom and is intrigued from the start, but she doesn’t take action until the @UUID[JournalEntry.yGGSDRma9yTWwdeo]{War of the River Kings} begins. At this point, she casts @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.yhz9fF69uwRhnHix]{animal messenger} to deliver a message to the PCs, inviting them via a short note: “If you wish to discuss how to handle our common enemy, meet me on Hemlock Island at the rise of the next full moon.” (Feel free to replace Hemlock Island with a landmark of your choice.) The exact assistance Ilora can give the PCs to aid their war effort is detailed in @UUID[JournalEntry.yGGSDRma9yTWwdeo.JournalEntryPage.QrjFBXxQxXqklz0L]{Chapter 8}.</p><p>Ilora’s campsite is protected by an @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.4WAib3GichxLjp5p]{alarm} spell, which helps her become aware of intruders, but she hasn’t survived this long in the Glenebon Uplands by being aggressive. She knows the monsters and dangers of the region could slay her swiftly, so she works to maintain a low profile on her hunting or foraging trips. By the time the PCs contact her, she has been living on her own in the wild for years. While her personal hygiene and diplomatic abilities have suffered greatly from her isolation, she maintains a strong sense of self and a natural dignity. Ilora doesn’t need society to thrive, but that doesn’t mean she’s fine with allowing Castruccio to continue to ruin the city she still thinks of as home.</p><p>If the PCs manage to encounter her and befriend her before the War of the River Kings begins, Ilora gratefully accepts any offer of asylum in the PCs’ kingdom; when the war begins, she can provide them advice immediately rather than waiting to arrange a meeting on Hemlock Island.</p><p>Ilora only fights foes she’s confident she can handle in battle. Against foes that are obviously more powerful than herself, she has plenty of practice in evasion and does her best to flee. She doesn’t generally hold grudges—Castruccio being a notable exception—but if the PCs continue to vex her, she may be pushed to extremes and seek powerful (but dangerous) alliances with regional threats.</p><section class="milestone"><p><strong>XP Award:</strong> If the PCs manage to secure Ilora’s aid against Pitax, they earn 80 XP.</p></section>
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<ul class="traits"><li>secret</li></ul><p>The Pitax River grows narrow here as it nears its source. Both riverbanks are thick with brambles, and the predominance of unusually noisy crows, aggressive rattlesnakes, swaths of @UUID[Actor.ZlEhOqdwPDpU3jvO]{stinging nettles}, and various ticks and mosquitoes makes the region a deservedly remote one; this hex is greater difficult terrain. This isolation serves the precise needs of a Pitaxian exile named Ilora Nuski. Her campsite is quite hidden, requiring a successful @Check[type:perception|dc:35|traits:action:reconnoiter] to discover while the hex is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.QIrJJ1pl4H6DctaQ]{Reconnoitered}.</p><section class="encounter"><aside class="right porthole"><img src="modules/pf2e-kingmaker/assets/actor-tokens/kingmaker/ilora-nuski.webp" /></aside><header class="split"><h3>@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.kingmaker-bestiary.Actor.XzFifthQr0V5nEJe]{Ilora Nuski}</h3><p>Trivial 16</p></header><p><strong>Creature:</strong> Ilora’s campsite, hidden deep in the brambles, consists of little more than a pair of well-used tents 30 feet from the river’s edge. There’s not even a real clearing around the tents, since Ilora can move through the brambles with supernatural ease. These same brambles block the view from the river but allow Ilora to keep an eye on anyone who might be using the waterway to reach her hideout.</p></section><p>Ilora has seen better days, but even those days were fraught with peril. In her previous life, she was the leader of a group of bandits called the River Razors, a merry band of rangers, druids, and rogues who relied upon their shared talents and skills at bushcraft and primal magic to prey upon aristocrats and rich merchants who used the rivers of Pitax to transport their wealth. After @UUID[JournalEntry.PoopszF8pbV8RtX8.JournalEntryPage.UG1YQsZGkWshc4AY]{King Castruccio} took the crown and banditry increasingly became organized by the Pitax thieves’ guild, Ilora saw her beloved homeland transform into something she hated. Gone were the days when “honest” smugglers and bandits could use Pitax as a safe haven for their work. The rise of drug abuse in the city, the influx of deluded “jesters and fools” eager to please a pompous ruler, and the overwhelming presence of the Pitax wardens turned the city into something she loathed, and her days of banditry turned to rebellion.</p><p>The king and his agents were quick to squash the River Razors, and today, Ilora is the only surviving member. Unable to show her face in Pitax, Ilora continues to build plans to free Pitax from Castruccio and return its rule to the proper families. She’s learned much of the city and knows quite a bit about its defenses, and her reputation as a wanted criminal is likely to come to the PCs’ attention sooner or later.</p><p>If the PCs don’t stumble across her camp on their own during exploration, Ilora eventually learns about them herself. Every few months, she makes the increasingly risky trip downriver to sneak into Pitax under cover of darkness, both to steal supplies she can’t gather in the wild and to listen under open tavern windows to catch up on current events. She hears stories of the PCs’ kingdom and is intrigued from the start, but she doesn’t take action until the @UUID[JournalEntry.yGGSDRma9yTWwdeo]{War of the River Kings} begins. At this point, she casts @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.yhz9fF69uwRhnHix]{animal messenger} to deliver a message to the PCs, inviting them via a short note: “If you wish to discuss how to handle our common enemy, meet me on Hemlock Island at the rise of the next full moon.” (Feel free to replace Hemlock Island with a landmark of your choice.) The exact assistance Ilora can give the PCs to aid their war effort is detailed in @UUID[JournalEntry.yGGSDRma9yTWwdeo.JournalEntryPage.QrjFBXxQxXqklz0L]{Chapter 8}.</p><p>Ilora’s campsite is protected by an @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.4WAib3GichxLjp5p]{alarm} spell, which helps her become aware of intruders, but she hasn’t survived this long in the Glenebon Uplands by being aggressive. She knows the monsters and dangers of the region could slay her swiftly, so she works to maintain a low profile on her hunting or foraging trips. By the time the PCs contact her, she has been living on her own in the wild for years. While her personal hygiene and diplomatic abilities have suffered greatly from her isolation, she maintains a strong sense of self and a natural dignity. Ilora doesn’t need society to thrive, but that doesn’t mean she’s fine with allowing Castruccio to continue to ruin the city she still thinks of as home.</p><p>If the PCs manage to encounter her and befriend her before the War of the River Kings begins, Ilora gratefully accepts any offer of asylum in the PCs’ kingdom; when the war begins, she can provide them advice immediately rather than waiting to arrange a meeting on Hemlock Island.</p><p>Ilora only fights foes she’s confident she can handle in battle. Against foes that are obviously more powerful than herself, she has plenty of practice in evasion and does her best to flee. She doesn’t generally hold grudges—Castruccio being a notable exception—but if the PCs continue to vex her, she may be pushed to extremes and seek powerful (but dangerous) alliances with regional threats.</p><section class="milestone"><p><strong>XP Award:</strong> If the PCs manage to secure Ilora’s aid against Pitax, they earn 80 XP.</p></section>
<ul class="traits"><li>secret</li></ul><p>The Pitax River grows narrow here as it nears its source. Both riverbanks are thick with brambles, and the predominance of unusually noisy crows, aggressive rattlesnakes, swaths of @UUID[Actor.ZlEhOqdwPDpU3jvO]{stinging nettles}, and various ticks and mosquitoes makes the region a deservedly remote one; this hex is greater difficult terrain. This isolation serves the precise needs of a Pitaxian exile named Ilora Nuski. Her campsite is quite hidden, requiring a successful @Check[type:perception|dc:35|traits:action:reconnoiter] to discover while the hex is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.QIrJJ1pl4H6DctaQ]{Reconnoitered}.</p><section class="encounter"><aside class="right porthole"><img src="modules/pf2e-kingmaker/assets/actor-tokens/kingmaker/ilora-nuski.webp" /></aside><header class="split"><h3>@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.kingmaker-bestiary.Actor.XzFifthQr0V5nEJe]{Ilora Nuski}</h3><p>Trivial 16</p></header><p><strong>Creature:</strong> Ilora’s campsite, hidden deep in the brambles, consists of little more than a pair of well-used tents 30 feet from the river’s edge. There’s not even a real clearing around the tents, since Ilora can move through the brambles with supernatural ease. These same brambles block the view from the river but allow Ilora to keep an eye on anyone who might be using the waterway to reach her hideout.</p></section><p>Ilora has seen better days, but even those days were fraught with peril. In her previous life, she was the leader of a group of bandits called the River Razors, a merry band of rangers, druids, and rogues who relied upon their shared talents and skills at bushcraft and primal magic to prey upon aristocrats and rich merchants who used the rivers of Pitax to transport their wealth. After @UUID[JournalEntry.PoopszF8pbV8RtX8.JournalEntryPage.UG1YQsZGkWshc4AY]{King Castruccio} took the crown and banditry increasingly became organized by the Pitax thieves’ guild, Ilora saw her beloved homeland transform into something she hated. Gone were the days when “honest” smugglers and bandits could use Pitax as a safe haven for their work. The rise of drug abuse in the city, the influx of deluded “jesters and fools” eager to please a pompous ruler, and the overwhelming presence of the Pitax wardens turned the city into something she loathed, and her days of banditry turned to rebellion.</p><p>The king and his agents were quick to squash the River Razors, and today, Ilora is the only surviving member. Unable to show her face in Pitax, Ilora continues to build plans to free Pitax from Castruccio and return its rule to the proper families. She’s learned much of the city and knows quite a bit about its defenses, and her reputation as a wanted criminal is likely to come to the PCs’ attention sooner or later.</p><p>If the PCs don’t stumble across her camp on their own during exploration, Ilora eventually learns about them herself. Every few months, she makes the increasingly risky trip downriver to sneak into Pitax under cover of darkness, both to steal supplies she can’t gather in the wild and to listen under open tavern windows to catch up on current events. She hears stories of the PCs’ kingdom and is intrigued from the start, but she doesn’t take action until the @UUID[JournalEntry.yGGSDRma9yTWwdeo]{War of the River Kings} begins. At this point, she casts @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.yhz9fF69uwRhnHix]{animal messenger} to deliver a message to the PCs, inviting them via a short note: “If you wish to discuss how to handle our common enemy, meet me on Hemlock Island at the rise of the next full moon.” (Feel free to replace Hemlock Island with a landmark of your choice.) The exact assistance Ilora can give the PCs to aid their war effort is detailed in @UUID[JournalEntry.yGGSDRma9yTWwdeo.JournalEntryPage.QrjFBXxQxXqklz0L]{Chapter 8}.</p><p>Ilora’s campsite is protected by an @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.4WAib3GichxLjp5p]{alarm} spell, which helps her become aware of intruders, but she hasn’t survived this long in the Glenebon Uplands by being aggressive. She knows the monsters and dangers of the region could slay her swiftly, so she works to maintain a low profile on her hunting or foraging trips. By the time the PCs contact her, she has been living on her own in the wild for years. While her personal hygiene and diplomatic abilities have suffered greatly from her isolation, she maintains a strong sense of self and a natural dignity. Ilora doesn’t need society to thrive, but that doesn’t mean she’s fine with allowing Castruccio to continue to ruin the city she still thinks of as home.</p><p>If the PCs manage to encounter her and befriend her before the War of the River Kings begins, Ilora gratefully accepts any offer of asylum in the PCs’ kingdom; when the war begins, she can provide them advice immediately rather than waiting to arrange a meeting on Hemlock Island.</p><p>Ilora only fights foes she’s confident she can handle in battle. Against foes that are obviously more powerful than herself, she has plenty of practice in evasion and does her best to flee. She doesn’t generally hold grudges—Castruccio being a notable exception—but if the PCs continue to vex her, she may be pushed to extremes and seek powerful (but dangerous) alliances with regional threats.</p><section class="milestone"><p><strong>XP Award:</strong> If the PCs manage to secure Ilora’s aid against Pitax, they earn 80 XP.</p></section>