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String updated in the repository |
<p>Your patron's mark represents the nature of the spell your patron has placed on you, a choice made when you first become a hexmarked witch that cannot be changed. Your patron's spell is particularly potent against creatures tied to your spellcasting tradition and these creatures might recognize your mark. Creatures can recognize your mark by succeeding at a Recall Knowledge using your witch spellcasting DC as the DC. Creatures that succeed are aware of your spellcasting tradition, have awareness of how your mark will affect them, and may treat you differently depending on how they regard those with your patron's mark.</p>
<p>You gain one of the following benefits:</p> <p><strong>Denizen of the Elements</strong> - Your mark makes you resistant to the elements. Choose two of the following: acid, cold, electricity, fire, poison, or sonic. You gain resistance equal to half your level to the chosen damage types (minimum 1). You gain a +1 status bonus to saves against effects with the damage trait you chose if the creature is tied to your spellcasting tradition. If you are at least a master in your tradition's spellcasting, the resistance you chose is equal to your level and the status bonus to saves increases to +2.</p> <p><strong>Emotional Aura</strong> - Your mark cultivates an aura of emotional influence. Creatures within 15 feet of you must attempt a Will save or they take a -1 status penalty to saves against emotion effects on a failure or -2 on a critical failure. If the creature is one tied to your spellcasting tradition, the creature treats its degree of success as one lower. If you are at least a master in your tradition's spellcasting, the range increases to 30 feet and the penalty becomes -2 and -3 respectively. This effect has the aura trait and the DC of your aura is equal to your witch spellcasting DC. Creatures that leave the area of this effect or succeed at their save become temporarily immune to this effect for 1 hour.</p> <p><strong>Furious Retribution</strong> - Your patron demands blood from those that wish to harm you. You gain a +1 status bonus to attack rolls against creatures that damaged you for 1 round. If the creature that damaged you was tied to your spellcasting tradition, you also gain a status bonus to damage equal to half your level (minimum 1). If you are at least a master in your tradition's spellcasting, the status bonus to attack rolls increases to +2.</p> <p><strong>Nurtured Mind</strong> - Your mark massages your mind to absorb more knowledge. You gain a +1 status bonus to Will saves and a +2 status bonus to Recall Knowledge about creatures tied to your spellcasting tradition. If you are at least a master in your tradition's spellcasting, this bonus increases to +2 and +3 respectively.</p> <p><strong>Sensations of the Other</strong> - You gain the ability to sense things others could not. You gain one of the following: darkvision, scent (imprecise, 30 feet), tremorsense (imprecise, 20 feet), wavesense (imprecise, 30 feet). You gain a +1 status bonus to Perception against creatures tied to your spellcasting tradition. If you are at least a master in your tradition's spellcasting, you gain the following based on your initial selection: greater darkvision, scent (precise, 30 feet), tremorsense (precise, 20 feet), or wavesense (precise, 30 feet) and the status bonus increases to +2.</p> <p><strong>Shrouded Guard</strong> - Your mark makes you harder to perceive. You gain a +1 status bonus to Stealth and the flat check to target you when @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.Hidden]{Hidden} is 13 instead of 11. Creatures tied to your spellcasting tradition take a -1 status penalty to their Perception checks against you. If you are at least a master in your tradition's spellcasting, the status bonus is +2 and the status penalty is -2.</p> <p><strong>Special</strong> If you are using the Witches+ suggested errata, you may select the Hexmarked Witch Dedication instead of your Basic Lesson and, if you do, this class archetype does not require you to spend your 2nd-level class feat.</p>
<p><strong>元素居民</strong> - 印记使你获得了对元素的抵抗力。从以下元素中选择两种:酸液、寒冷、电击、火焰、毒素、或音波。你对所选伤害类型获得相当于你等级一半的抗性(最少为1)。如果该生物与你的施法根源有关,你面对具有所选特征的效果时,豁免获得+1状态加值。如果你在法术根源上至少有大师熟练度,你的抗力等于你的等级,并且豁免的状态加值增加到+2。</p> <p><strong>情感灵光</strong> - 你的印记逐渐形成了能对情绪产生影响的灵光。在你周围15尺范围内的生物必须尝试意志豁免,失败时他们在被有情绪特征的效果影响时,将承受-1状态减值,在大失败时承受-2。如果该生物与你的施法根源有关,该生物的其成功程度视为低一阶。如果你在法术根源上至少有大师熟练度,那么范围会增加到30尺,减值则分别变成-2和-3。该效果具有灵光特征,灵光DC等于你的女巫法术DC。离开此效果区域或豁免成功的生物会暂时对此效果免疫,持续1小时。</p> <p><strong>狂怒反击</strong> - 你的庇护主渴求那些伤害你的人所流下的鲜血。目标对你造成过伤害后,你对目标作出的攻击检定获得+1状态加值,持续一轮。如果该生物与你的施法根源相关,你还会在伤害上获得相当于你等级一半的状态加值(最低为1)。如果你在法术根源上至少有大师熟练度,那么攻击检定的状态加值会增加到+2。</p> <p><strong>滋养心灵</strong> - 你的标记按摩你的心灵,使你能够吸收更多的知识。你的意志豁免获得+1状态加值,以及在对与你施法根源有关的生物进行回忆知识检定时获得+2状态加值。如果你在法术根源上至少有大师熟练度,加值会分别增加到+2和+3。</p> <p><strong>多重感官</strong> - 你能够感知他人无法感知到的东西。你获得以下其中一项:黑暗视觉,嗅觉(模糊,30尺),震颤感知(模糊,20尺),水波感知(模糊,30尺)。你对与你的施法根源有关的生物进行察觉检定时获得+1状态加值。如果你在法术根源上至少有大师熟练度,你会根据你最初的选择获得一下一项:高等黑暗视觉,嗅觉(精确,30尺),震颤感知(精确,20尺),或水波感知(精确,30尺),状态加值增加到+2。</p> <p><strong>遮蔽护卫</strong> - 你的印记使你更难被察觉。你的隐秘获得+1状态加值,当你@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.iU0fEDdBp3rXpTMC]{藏匿 Hidden}时,瞄准你的纯骰检定DC是13而不是11。如果生物与你的施法根源有关,对你的察觉检定会受到-1状态减值。如果你在法术根源上至少有大师熟练度,状态加值是+2,状态减值是-2。</p> <p><strong>特殊</strong> 如果你使用女巫+推荐勘误,你可以改为选择巫印女巫变体,而不是基础教诲,如果你这样做,该职业变体不需要你花费2级职业专长。</p> |
String updated in the repository |
<p>Your patron's mark represents the nature of the spell your patron has placed on you, a choice made when you first become a hexmarked witch that cannot be changed. Your patron's spell is particularly potent against creatures tied to your spellcasting tradition and these creatures might recognize your mark. Creatures can recognize your mark by succeeding at a Recall Knowledge using your witch spellcasting DC as the DC. Creatures that succeed are aware of your spellcasting tradition, have awareness of how your mark will affect them, and may treat you differently depending on how they regard those with your patron's mark.</p>
<p>You gain one of the following benefits:</p> <p><strong>Denizen of the Elements</strong> - Your mark makes you resistant to the elements. Choose two of the following: acid, cold, electricity, fire, poison, or sonic. You gain resistance equal to half your level to the chosen damage types (minimum 1). You gain a +1 status bonus to saves against effects with the damage trait you chose if the creature is tied to your spellcasting tradition. If you are at least a master in your tradition's spellcasting, the resistance you chose is equal to your level and the status bonus to saves increases to +2.</p> <p><strong>Emotional Aura</strong> - Your mark cultivates an aura of emotional influence. Creatures within 15 feet of you must attempt a Will save or they take a -1 status penalty to saves against emotion effects on a failure or -2 on a critical failure. If the creature is one tied to your spellcasting tradition, the creature treats its degree of success as one lower. If you are at least a master in your tradition's spellcasting, the range increases to 30 feet and the penalty becomes -2 and -3 respectively. This effect has the aura trait and the DC of your aura is equal to your witch spellcasting DC. Creatures that leave the area of this effect or succeed at their save become temporarily immune to this effect for 1 hour.</p> <p><strong>Furious Retribution</strong> - Your patron demands blood from those that wish to harm you. You gain a +1 status bonus to attack rolls against creatures that damaged you for 1 round. If the creature that damaged you was tied to your spellcasting tradition, you also gain a status bonus to damage equal to half your level (minimum 1). If you are at least a master in your tradition's spellcasting, the status bonus to attack rolls increases to +2.</p> <p><strong>Nurtured Mind</strong> - Your mark massages your mind to absorb more knowledge. You gain a +1 status bonus to Will saves and a +2 status bonus to Recall Knowledge about creatures tied to your spellcasting tradition. If you are at least a master in your tradition's spellcasting, this bonus increases to +2 and +3 respectively.</p> <p><strong>Sensations of the Other</strong> - You gain the ability to sense things others could not. You gain one of the following: darkvision, scent (imprecise, 30 feet), tremorsense (imprecise, 20 feet), wavesense (imprecise, 30 feet). You gain a +1 status bonus to Perception against creatures tied to your spellcasting tradition. If you are at least a master in your tradition's spellcasting, you gain the following based on your initial selection: greater darkvision, scent (precise, 30 feet), tremorsense (precise, 20 feet), or wavesense (precise, 30 feet) and the status bonus increases to +2.</p> <p><strong>Shrouded Guard</strong> - Your mark makes you harder to perceive. You gain a +1 status bonus to Stealth and the flat check to target you when @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.Hidden]{Hidden} is 13 instead of 11. Creatures tied to your spellcasting tradition take a -1 status penalty to their Perception checks against you. If you are at least a master in your tradition's spellcasting, the status bonus is +2 and the status penalty is -2.</p> <p><strong>Special</strong> If you are using the Witches+ suggested errata, you may select the Hexmarked Witch Dedication instead of your Basic Lesson and, if you do, this class archetype does not require you to spend your 2nd-level class feat.</p>
<p><strong>元素居民</strong> - 印记使你获得了对元素的抵抗力。从以下元素中选择两种:酸液、寒冷、电击、火焰、毒素、或音波。你对所选伤害类型获得相当于你等级一半的抗性(最少为1)。如果该生物与你的施法根源有关,你面对具有所选特征的效果时,豁免获得+1状态加值。如果你在法术根源上至少有大师熟练度,你的抗力等于你的等级,并且豁免的状态加值增加到+2。</p> <p><strong>情感灵光</strong> - 你的印记逐渐形成了能对情绪产生影响的灵光。在你周围15尺范围内的生物必须尝试意志豁免,失败时他们在被有情绪特征的效果影响时,将承受-1状态减值,在大失败时承受-2。如果该生物与你的施法根源有关,该生物的其成功程度视为低一阶。如果你在法术根源上至少有大师熟练度,那么范围会增加到30尺,减值则分别变成-2和-3。该效果具有灵光特征,灵光DC等于你的女巫法术DC。离开此效果区域或豁免成功的生物会暂时对此效果免疫,持续1小时。</p> <p><strong>狂怒反击</strong> - 你的庇护主渴求那些伤害你的人所流下的鲜血。目标对你造成过伤害后,你对目标作出的攻击检定获得+1状态加值,持续一轮。如果该生物与你的施法根源相关,你还会在伤害上获得相当于你等级一半的状态加值(最低为1)。如果你在法术根源上至少有大师熟练度,那么攻击检定的状态加值会增加到+2。</p> <p><strong>滋养心灵</strong> - 你的标记按摩你的心灵,使你能够吸收更多的知识。你的意志豁免获得+1状态加值,以及在对与你施法根源有关的生物进行回忆知识检定时获得+2状态加值。如果你在法术根源上至少有大师熟练度,加值会分别增加到+2和+3。</p> <p><strong>多重感官</strong> - 你能够感知他人无法感知到的东西。你获得以下其中一项:黑暗视觉,嗅觉(模糊,30尺),震颤感知(模糊,20尺),水波感知(模糊,30尺)。你对与你的施法根源有关的生物进行察觉检定时获得+1状态加值。如果你在法术根源上至少有大师熟练度,你会根据你最初的选择获得一下一项:高等黑暗视觉,嗅觉(精确,30尺),震颤感知(精确,20尺),或水波感知(精确,30尺),状态加值增加到+2。</p> <p><strong>遮蔽护卫</strong> - 你的印记使你更难被察觉。你的隐秘获得+1状态加值,当你@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.iU0fEDdBp3rXpTMC]{藏匿 Hidden}时,瞄准你的纯骰检定DC是13而不是11。如果生物与你的施法根源有关,对你的察觉检定会受到-1状态减值。如果你在法术根源上至少有大师熟练度,状态加值是+2,状态减值是-2。</p> <p><strong>特殊</strong> 如果你使用女巫+推荐勘误,你可以改为选择巫印女巫变体,而不是基础教诲,如果你这样做,该职业变体不需要你花费2级职业专长。</p> |
Things to check
English | Chinese (Simplified) | ||
Critical Failure | 大失败 | PF2 | |
Failure | 失败 | PF2 | |
Success | 成功 | PF2 | |
{Hidden} | {藏匿 Hidden} | PF2 |
<p>You gain one of the following benefits:</p>
<p><strong>Denizen of the Elements</strong> - Your mark makes you resistant to the elements. Choose two of the following: acid, cold, electricity, fire, poison, or sonic. You gain resistance equal to half your level to the chosen damage types (minimum 1). You gain a +1 status bonus to saves against effects with the damage trait you chose if the creature is tied to your spellcasting tradition. If you are at least a master in your tradition's spellcasting, the resistance you chose is equal to your level and the status bonus to saves increases to +2.</p>
<p><strong>Emotional Aura</strong> - Your mark cultivates an aura of emotional influence. Creatures within 15 feet of you must attempt a Will save or they take a -1 status penalty to saves against emotion effects on a failure or -2 on a critical failure. If the creature is one tied to your spellcasting tradition, the creature treats its degree of success as one lower. If you are at least a master in your tradition's spellcasting, the range increases to 30 feet and the penalty becomes -2 and -3 respectively. This effect has the aura trait and the DC of your aura is equal to your witch spellcasting DC. Creatures that leave the area of this effect or succeed at their save become temporarily immune to this effect for 1 hour.</p>
<p><strong>Furious Retribution</strong> - Your patron demands blood from those that wish to harm you. You gain a +1 status bonus to attack rolls against creatures that damaged you for 1 round. If the creature that damaged you was tied to your spellcasting tradition, you also gain a status bonus to damage equal to half your level (minimum 1). If you are at least a master in your tradition's spellcasting, the status bonus to attack rolls increases to +2.</p>
<p><strong>Nurtured Mind</strong> - Your mark massages your mind to absorb more knowledge. You gain a +1 status bonus to Will saves and a +2 status bonus to Recall Knowledge about creatures tied to your spellcasting tradition. If you are at least a master in your tradition's spellcasting, this bonus increases to +2 and +3 respectively.</p>
<p><strong>Sensations of the Other</strong> - You gain the ability to sense things others could not. You gain one of the following: darkvision, scent (imprecise, 30 feet), tremorsense (imprecise, 20 feet), wavesense (imprecise, 30 feet). You gain a +1 status bonus to Perception against creatures tied to your spellcasting tradition. If you are at least a master in your tradition's spellcasting, you gain the following based on your initial selection: greater darkvision, scent (precise, 30 feet), tremorsense (precise, 20 feet), or wavesense (precise, 30 feet) and the status bonus increases to +2.</p>
<p><strong>Shrouded Guard</strong> - Your mark makes you harder to perceive. You gain a +1 status bonus to Stealth and the flat check to target you when @Compendium[pf2e.conditionitems.Hidden]{Hidden} is 13 instead of 11. Creatures tied to your spellcasting tradition take a -1 status penalty to their Perception checks against you. If you are at least a master in your tradition's spellcasting, the status bonus is +2 and the status penalty is -2.</p>
<p><strong>Special</strong> If you are using the Witches+ suggested errata, you may select the Hexmarked Witch Dedication instead of your Basic Lesson and, if you do, this class archetype does not require you to spend your 2nd-level class feat.</p>
<p><strong>元素居民</strong> - 印记使你获得了对元素的抵抗力。从以下元素中选择两种:酸
液蚀、寒冷、电击、火焰、毒素、或音波。你对所选伤害类型获得相当于你等级一半的抗性(最少为1)。如果该生物与你的施法根源有关,你面对具有所选特征的效果时,豁免获得+1状态加值。如果你在法术根源上至少有大师熟练度,你的抗力等于你的等级,并且豁免的状态加值增加到+2。</p><p><strong>情感灵光</strong> - 你的印记逐渐形成了能对情绪产生影响的灵光。在你周围15尺范围内的生物必须尝试意志豁免,失败时他们在被有情绪特征的效果影响时,将承受-1状态减值,在大失败时承受-2。如果该生物与你的施法根源有关,该生物的其成功程度视为低一阶。如果你在法术根源上至少有大师熟练度,那么范围会增加到30尺,减值则分别变成-2和-3。该效果具有灵光特征,灵光DC等于你的女巫法术DC。离开此效果区域或豁免成功的生物会暂时对此效果免疫,持续1小时。</p>
<p><strong>狂怒反击</strong> - 你的庇护主渴求那些伤害你的人所流下的鲜血。目标对你造成过伤害后,你对目标作出的攻击检定获得+1状态加值,持续一轮。如果该生物与你的施法根源相关,你还会在伤害上获得相当于你等级一半的状态加值(最低为1)。如果你在法术根源上至少有大师熟练度,那么攻击检定的状态加值会增加到+2。</p>
<p><strong>滋养心灵</strong> - 你的标记按摩你的心灵,使你能够吸收更多的知识。你的意志豁免获得+1状态加值,以及在对与你施法根源有关的生物进行回忆知识检定时获得+2状态加值。如果你在法术根源上至少有大师熟练度,加值会分别增加到+2和+3。</p>
<p><strong>多重感官</strong> - 你能够感知他人无法感知到的东西。你获得以下其中一项:黑暗视觉,嗅觉(模糊,30尺),震颤感知(模糊,20尺),水波感知(模糊,30尺)。你对与你的施法根源有关的生物进行察觉检定时获得+1状态加值。如果你在法术根源上至少有大师熟练度,你会根据你最初的选择获得一下一项:高等黑暗视觉,嗅觉(精确,30尺),震颤感知(精确,20尺),或水波感知(精确,30尺),状态加值增加到+2。</p>
<p><strong>遮蔽护卫</strong> - 你的印记使你更难被察觉。你的隐秘获得+1状态加值,当你@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.iU0fEDdBp3rXpTMC]{藏匿 Hidden}时,瞄准你的纯骰检定DC是13而不是11。如果生物与你的施法根源有关,对你的察觉检定会受到-1状态减值。如果你在法术根源上至少有大师熟练度,状态加值是+2,状态减值是-2。</p>
<p><strong>特殊</strong> 如果你使用女巫+推荐勘误,你可以改为选择巫印女巫变体,而不是基础教诲,如果你这样做,该职业变体不需要你花费2级职业专长。</p>