<p>You can't stop the flow of life that erupts from you, healing others far beyond what you thought to be capable. When you successfully restore Hit Points and you would heal them for more than their maximum Hit Points, you can grant them the excess healing in temporary Hit Points for 1 minute and they become sickened 1 as long as these temporary Hit Points remain. Your <em>stabilize</em> gains the following awakened option when you select the awakened oracle dedication at level 2.</p><p><strong>Awakened</strong> When you cast <em>stabilize</em>, you can instead target 1 creature benefiting from temporary Hit Points. When you do, you negate a number of temporary Hit Points it has equal to twice the spell's level.</p>
<p>你难以压制自身迸发而出的生命之泉,这让你以远超想象的方式治愈他人。当你成功恢复生命值并且治疗量超出了他们的最大生命值,你可以将溢出的治疗以临时生命值的形式给予他们,持续1分钟,当这些临时生命值存在时,他们陷入恶心1。当你在2级选择觉醒先知入门专长时,你的<em>稳定伤势</em>获得下列的觉醒选择:</p><p><strong>觉醒</strong> 当你施放<em>稳定伤势</em>时,你可以转而以一个具有临时生命值的生物为目标。当你这么做时,你降低它等同于这个法术环级两倍的临时生命值。</p> <p>@UUID[Compendium.oracles.oracles-revelation-spells.IN7JmcH1vxng7ynF]{稳定伤势 Stabilize (命流满溢)}</p>
<p>@UUID[Compendium.oracles.oracles-revelation-spells.IN7JmcH1vxng7ynF]{稳定伤势 Stabilize (命流满溢)}</p>